Wednesday, January 30, 2008

equal opportunity.

the panhellenic happy hour went well. not as many people attended as had said they would, but it was still fun and I'm glad we planned it. and by "we" I mean "me."

afterwards I went to the grocery store to get chicken, salmon, tomatoes, naked juice, adobo seasoning, goya, granola bars and beer. I went to pay my bill and was told I couldn't use my coupon for $10 off a $50 purchase because my total was only $42 without the alcohol. the guy behind me thought I was HILARIOUS because I bought two packs of gum, two sodas and a copy of our state magazine to raise my total. funny funny.

if there hadn't been someone behind me I'd've gotten a jug of OJ and some gouda cheese instead, but I had thought about picking up the magazine and I do chew gum when I can't brush my teeth after meals, so it wasn't all bad.

oh and although the fine print on the coupon didn't say "no wine or beer" it did say "excluding items prohibited by law." and I guess you have to have "equal opportunity coupons." interesting, eh?

also, remember a while ago when I got really excited about this? (see: paragraph under list.) well, I met with my mentor today, who is a man in that group, and he let me know that a)he and his boss are still totally interested in having me work for them part time, like before and b)they have opened two new positions in their group. they're starting work with a place in the united arab emirates, and they need new people. um, how cool is THAT?!? I'd get to live here, but they might have me travel a skosh too, which I'm down with.

so yeah, I'll be applying for that as soon as it's "up." Right now only the one with 0-3 years of experience is up. I have 4.156 years of post-graduate work experience, so I have to wait until the 4-7 year one comes up, but that should be today or tomorrow. I mean, it's not a done deal or anything, and even if this doesn't work out they're totally interested in having me part time, but I am pleased at the possibility. pleased as punch.

and natalie dee always makes me laugh. this one is old, but since I've been paying more attention to the politic-ee stuff recently, I had to add something. and besides, y'all like posts with pictures better anyway.


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