Thursday, January 11, 2007

de-lurking and undoing some of my buckle-of-the-bible-belt upbringing.

so, first off, it's national de-lurking week. which means that You, yeah, YOU should comment. quit the lurking already, k? the bloggage needs some love. and thanks to my regular commenters for being--well--regular commenters. :)

a preface: potentially unnecessary, but probably better safe than sorry. For the record, I am very much a Christian. A Methodist, in fact, and a liberal one at that. And now that we have this established...if this offends you (anonymous from kat's blog, perhaps?) or you don't like it, that's cool too. But know that I'm not saying this to piss you off. I'm saying it because I, personally, find it ridiculous. However, should you agree with this, then that's cool, and rest assured that I'm not going to think that you, as a person, are ridiculous just for agreeing. However, I make no promises about politely mocking your way of thinking. :)

or maybe that was much ado about nothing.

So, Saturday night I went to a party at my friend Paul's house. There was rum punch and munchies and a bonfire--good stuff. And something got us to talking about values, and sex before marriage. I think it started out with someone talking about a couple who were living together, and who had sex, and who were getting married, and three months before getting married the wife-to-be decided they should wait to have sex again until the wedding night. right. a little odd, imho, but still, fine, whatever.

Of course, this made me think of being a buckle-of-the-bible-belter, and just have to tell a story about my formative years. I explained that I've had to undo a lot of the conservative, close-minded concepts drilled into me as a youth.

It is okay to drink beer/wine/liquor.
It is okay to not want babies (though I do some day, I'm just sayin').
It is okay to think that maybe Buddhists and Jews aren't going to hell (if there is a hell), even though they don't believe in Jesus.
It is okay to have friends who aren't Christians.
Just because someone thinks abortion/gay marriage/female preachers (in some denominations) are okay doesn't mean they're a bad person.
and it is (sometimes) okay to have sex before marriage.

now, before anyone gets their Savior-Loving panties in a bunch, let me tell you that in my head there are A LOT of things to take into consideration for that last one, and I still think it's a good thing to teach for like eleventy billion reasons. but I'm straying waaaay far away from my point here. getting back on track...

So I told a story about my experiences at Camp Egan's Dayspring East Senior High Camp. Now, I LOVED Dayspring. Incredible spiritual experience. Life-changing discussions. And although there were a few others that rubbed me the wrong way, one of them took the cake. And that's what I told people about on Saturday, a concept I had to undo, though I must admit I found it bothersome from the start.

One day at camp we were given the option of signing up for a women's-only and a men's-only session about relationships. It seemed like the thing to do was to go to it, so I did. And wow. Just wow. Some of it had to do with specifics--was it okay to hug/hold hands/kiss/neck/make out/grope? Did you need to leave room for the Holy Spirit while dancing? (we, as Methodists, could dance, dontchaknow?) And what exactly, praytell, did you need to wait to do until you were married?

This class was lead by a married woman, with a few other female leaders there for direction and assistance, and then men's class was taught by her husband.

Finally, the woman got around to talking about sex. She explained that it was for a man and wife, and was a beautiful thing. This is all fine. Fine, fine. She said that God gave us the gift of sex and made it pleasurable, and that we were meant to enjoy it. And that we should be thankful for it, and thank God for the joy it brings us. Perhaps stretching it a teensy weensy bit, but still okay.

But then she went on, and said that after you are married, on your wedding night, when you plan to be together, you should place an empty chair by your bed, and Invite. Jesus. To. Be. With. You. Like, in the room, with you. Like while you're having sex, WITH you.

wait, what??????

yes, that's right, conservative-bording-on-crazy but also-very-nice lady just told me that I should put an extra chair in my bedroom expressly for the purpose of asking Jesus to sit in it and watch and share in the specialness. She even said that this should be a regular thing? Wait, huh?!?

I mean, I know that "His eye is on the sparrow," and "I know He watches me," but what?!? I invite Jesus into my home, and into my heart and into my life, and I love Him and I believe in Him and I know that God created the universe, and I have Faith, and I DO. But this? This?!? It just seems crazy to me. Like, seriously mentally lacking in correctness. Yikes.

I do believe that this one moment is likely what began the process of me becoming A LOT more liberal and open-minded. And I, for one, am terribly terribly thankful for it. I judge less, and I accept more, and that's gotta be a good thing. But I don't think I will ever forget the instant itself, as I tried desperately to not be a codfish, exposing my shock at the concept of asking Jesus to watch and share as I got busy with it.

perhaps there's another perspective on this, and I'd be glad to hear it if you've got it. but right now? [picture me moving my pointer in a circle near my ear--making the international sign for crazy]

thing is, sometimes I still can't let go of this concept. there's a part of me that feels almost programmed with conservatism, like it's wired in my circuits and there's still a residual. it's mostly gone, but sometimes it still creeps in, and I'll have a reaction, and then have to un-think it 'cause I know I don't think like that any more. but I can't help it! 'cause as we've known for quite some time, you can take the girl out of oklahoma, but you can't take the oklahoma out of the girl.


Jax said...

So... we both kinda referenced God today.. interesting.. Thurs=God's day? Hmm. I like that better than Sundays anyway. Annd.. Im not all about inviting Jesus to watch me share in the specialness of my freaky wedding night. LOL! :) I agree with you.. I'm good with God, but sometimes the values around here make me furrow my brows..

Audrey T said...


That's all I can say.

And I'm from Texas!

Corrie said...

Maybe, just MAYBE the woman was speaking figuratively. Maybe the intent of bringing up the chair was to remind you that sex was God's idea & creation. Maybe her idea of having the chair in the room (for Jesus) was to emphasize that sex isn't a 'dirty' or 'bad' thing in the context of marriage. Maybe she was just trying to make a point.

As a Bible-belter myself, who has attended a TON of those types of sessions, I've never heard the chair idea.

If you believe in the omnipotence & omnipresence of God, then there is no need to pull up a chair for Him anyway. :)

care said...

weird and me too j, no kidding a, and good points c.

I'm sure it was all symbolic, but she did seriously want you to pull up a chair. Like she said she was being literal about that part! And the omnipresent thing kind of made me wonder about that chair too.

And I'm sorry, but I can't resist it...wouldn't that bring a new meaning to all of the "oh gawd"-ing we hear in movie sex scenes? ha. badjoke-badjoke. sorry...

Turner said...

I've been p[icked on and isolated by people all my life because I did not go to church growing up. My parents taught me moral values WITHOUT making me sit in a stuff church or sit through fire-and-brimestone bullshit. (I DO know that not all churches are like that - but it's only because I've GONE to several different ones and tried my best to give what they have to say a chance.. anyway).

Currently, my feeling on religion is this:

Jesus is OK by me.. it's the people who work for him that I have an issue with.

Yeah, and, frankly, God/Jesus has more important things to worry about then getting a ring-side seat for your first night of passion with your husband. i'll bet he'd even scratch his head at that one and offer a polite "Um, no thanks. I'm good."

LO said...

right there with you babe...well, not like pull up a chair for me with you...but, oh, you know I understand what your talking 'bout

Anonymous said...

Jebus* is a pervert!

Ok, I just wanted to say that, given you know (very well I would think) my upbringing.

Seriously though, I was in a similar situation at Chrysalis. During one of the talks, the subject of, you know...came up. (Oh, you are so going to kill me for all the puns in this comment) Anyway, the subject arose and the answer the speaker gave was, "Well, I think masturbation is fine as long as you do it with a pure heart and mind and think about God."

Settled kinda weird in my little guy pea-brain. Hadn't thought about it for a long time until you mentioned this little nugget.

But you know what I think? I think we'd both be surprised if we sat down sometime and picked each others' brains for a while...the ways you've changed and the ways I've changed...and if I'd have to guess, I'd say for the better.

*"Simpsons did it!" (South Park did it)

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