Friday, December 15, 2006


so, eight days a week?
eight for the eight that stood at the gate?

yup yup.

so, I realize I have been sorely lacking in girl-time. it was brought to my attention last night, as mary alise, betsy and I enjoyed some artichoke tomato pasta, pesto bread, a lot of wine and a little sex and the city. I hadn't seen the non-tbs versions in a long time, and I didn't remember just how much of samantha's nakedness you see. yikes. was good times!

and mary alise gets the coolest-friend-of-the-day award. because, well, she rocks! and I love her to bits and pieces.

so, my final? I know you're all in suspense...but it went REALLY really REALLY well. I. Am. Amazed. Like, I kept thinking, "holy sh!t I know how to do that one...and that one...and that one..." There were two little things that gave me trouble, and some of the multiple choice were toughies, but overall? Left feeling good. Went to Old Navy and bought Harvo his Christmas present, and myself a fleece with this hideous ribbon thing on the inside, which I promptly removed with my seam ripper when I got home! I mean, I'm sure some people will like it. But I just thought it was u-g-l-y, you ain't got no alibi. But without it? Supercute fleece!

oh, and I found this picture of baby gobi, and so now I have to show you baby gobi and baby hazel. because they're the cutest. they were so adorable last night, and pleased to have company to pet them. they like their aunties. :)

mmm...and that's it, except that it's only EIGHT days! And it's my blog-i-versary. Two whole years of fun. But this year I'm keeping the name. I like it.

So, this weekend I'm gonna go to see the 'Canes play, sing sing sing and sing (I have to be at church at 9am tomorrow and 8am on Sunday! I'll be glad when the cantata is over, even though I'm really enjoying it) and I'm going to rest and relax and try to convince my body it isn't sick. (because all of the coast-to-coast traveling, drinking, late night dates, studying and stress has finally caught up with me!) And maybe, just maybe, I'll paint. It's been many many months. But I think I want to. We'll see.

have a faboo weekend!!!

eight maids a milking.


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