Tuesday, March 03, 2009

happier things

I got some rocktastic mail last week. Totally made my day(s).

Item #1: (late-but-I-won't-hold-it-against-you-even-a-little) birthday present from guess who...

If you haven't heard yet I loveloveLOVE Alice in Wonderland. It's my favorite book. I have a rockin' halloween costume that I'll be sporting again when my hair is longer. It is fantastic. I have an amazing Alice in Wonderland Pop-Up book. My mom wishes she named me Alice. LOVE it. Love these. LOVE.

and my mom is going to be SO jealous.

and if you didn't guess already, it's my fellow lover-of-all-things-alice, Sterling.

Item #2: a little something-something from Maria. I think it's from when I won her pay it forward or something, is that correct? So now I need to do that? Maria, clear that up please and I'll do my part. But I had actually been eyeing THIS VERY BAG on baggu.com, and I realized I needed more produce bags because mine are constantly in use...and then look what comes to my doorstep, hmmm? YAY! and thank you again!

I also made TWO of my favorite dinners this weekend. One is called Botanas. I told you about it before--Patty brought it to me and then was gracious enough to share the recipe. mmmmmmm. easy. delicious. quick. mmmm.

AND I got to make Chicken with Paprika Sauce. I used canned tomatoes and added some garlic powder and a pinch of cayenne to give it a little kick, but MAN did it hit the spot. I am excited about eating the leftovers tomorrow!

and and and-post number 2 for the greeny blog to which I contribute went up today, see? I'm really enjoying writing for them, so please check it out!

And I got to see my friend Kelly on Friday night. Y'know, the guy from the airplane to Portland. Never, ever thought I'd see him again. Now? Think I just might. It was really fun to hang out with him, and he and Matt got along well.

Also, I took pictures for Audrey and Corrie and their little ones on Saturday morning. We had FUN. I am so excited about editing more of them, I can't even tell you. It was chilly and rainy but everything worked out and we got some GREAT shots!


melissa said...

alice in wonderland is one of my top five favs. and that is not just disney exclusive. :)

In the Meantime said...

just so you know: i guessed it was from sterling :)
happy late birthday!

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