Monday, August 18, 2008

"i'm not drunk, i'm just licking gills!"


oh me, oh my. what a weekend! I am too exhausted to give you the ENTIRE story, so you'll have to settle for my synopsis. we got on the road around 630 on friday with a full full FULL car. Megan and I did crafts in the backseat--making our boy-parts shaped name tags, cutting up paper for the games, etc. Oh, and blowing up an inflatable item. In the car we (I think Cassie or Megan, not for sure who) named him "li'l blaze" because Nicole's hubby-to-be used to go by David Blaze (or something like that) during his wrestling days.

oh yeah, and as we went in I carried up "li'l blaze." and as we were unloading the car another group walks by--with a girl who was probably seven. I was saying "hide blaze! hide blaze!" I'm sure the parents thought we were awesome with our li'l blaze and cases of beer. rock.

when we got to the house the rest of the girls were there and deeeeeeeeeeeeeeerunk. and having a blast. we found out we'd missed out on picture ops like this one. can you IMAGINE trying to put 14 girls in a pyramid? (one would have to take the pictures!) We also realized that our car had pretty much all the snacks and all the beverages, oopsie! I brought cups for everyone (so we wouldn't use disposable ones AND so we'd know whose drink was whose) and we started decorating those.

we played some catch phrase, drank some drinks, told how we all knew nicole and the like. it was good stuff. nicole and I stayed up until THREE just talking and chilling. we were both exhausted before we even got there, but figured you gotta take advantage of these situations as they present themselves. I really enjoyed our talking. We keep finding out that we have more in common and get along better and better every time we hang out! there was a game about getting your virginity back (cherries in the bottom the bowl--nicole won in like two seconds!) and megan did an EXCELLENT job with all the games!

In the morning some of the chick-a-dees made breakfast (we had assigned meals) and then everyone but megan, erica, lindsay and I went to the beach. We decorated. See?

And just as we were leaving Nicole was heading in for a minute. We were pleased to show her the place!!! And I think she liked it.

Half of us (or so) went to the beach again, I in my 85 sunblock, 50spf cover-up and floppy hat. I also sat under my umbrella. I was quite the sight! I think people (especially those I didn't know) thought it was overkill, but when they saw that my arms were getting a little pink after I sat for half an hour with the cover-up off they understood. I mean, at that point I still had on the sunblock and was sitting under the umbrella! in case you cannot tell, in all of these pictures I'm the whitest one!

We went back for a little break and snack and went back out for an hour. Around, oh, 3ish? we came in, showered and I napped. I had slept SOOOOO poorly on friday night. I had a room with three others--we had bunk beds--and my roomies were wonderful, but I'm not a good sleeper to begin with so all the noise made it extra difficult. Oh well!

We all got ready in our cute tanks and denim and made Nicole guess about who got her what. She finally got most of 'em, but not before quite a few drinks (if she was wrong she had to drink)! I think mine really surprised her! I also had only flipped through the pages quickly, and when we actually looked through the book--yowza. Not for the timid or modest, just fyi.

Then it was beach picture time! Thank goodness for my gorillapod and camera with a timer! A member of another bachelorette party came over and helped with the picture-taking as well. We looked cute, yes?

We went to a japanese steakhouse, and our guys were HILARIOUS. They made us a heart out of rice (and made it thump), they had a little plastic dude that "peed" sake, they squirted sake into girl's mouths and were appropriately obnoxious. It was good stuff. AND I am quite proud that the other Carrie and I were the only ones who caught the hibachi when they launched it at us. For some of the girls on my side of the table the guy half-aimed it at their chests! It was hilarious and everybody was a good sport about it.

Oh AND. So, we got there and I ordered a beer--a 22oz sapporo. The guy said "we don't have the sapporo, do you want a large kirin?" I said "sure!" He came back with this--one thousand milliliters of beer. That's almost 34 ounces, 3 beers in one can. Holy smokes! I was a little slow drinking it--three beers at dinner takes a while!--but I did finish it. Some people tried to make me chug at the end but I refused--and thank goodness for Lauren, the maid of honor, who sat down beside me and said "don't worry about them, I'll sit here with you for as long as it takes for you to finish that. there is no need to chug." And she was right--chug and go or sip and be able to hang out for more of the night? I'll take option 2, please! We talked about being green and how she likes that and just chit-chatted. It was nice to take the five minutes and drink the beer!

Next was to a bar called the giggling mackerel. It was beside a place called "Sharky's." I think you can guess why. Megan, Erica and I had a leeetle too much fun taking pictures with it, let me tell you. there are pics of megan and erica too, but I do not have them. and one of our booties. maybe I'll update later. maybe.

And at the giggling mackerel...there were drinks and dancing and 80s music requests. A song came on and Nicole said "I want to dance on the table but I don't want to do it myself!" so of course I escorted her up and danced for .5 seconds until the fun police made us get down. Kara and I also (unintentionally) caused a stir when she gave me two bucks for her drink--I owed her from sushi but the drink cost more than that--and suddenly we found ourselves taking pictures with dollar bills. yikes.

We headed back to the place, watched dave's answers to the questions (which, by the way, I was pleased as punch because I'd suggested quite a few of 'em from when I came up with them for jessica's bachelorette) and played dirty bingo, which was a hit! Jessica and I came up with that game on the way to Renee's bachelorette last month, but this time I added five "shapes" instead of just two. Oh AND--I'd gone to the dollar store last week to pick up a bunch of odds-and-ends prizes--lotion, lip gloss, ridiculous fake nails, little packets of lube, bubbles and the like. We gave 'em out when we played dirty bingo and during the questions--and it was so funny. Nicole kept operating on a "one-for-you, one-for-me" policy--when someone else earned a prize (for bingo-ing or whatever) nicole grabbed one for herself, too. It was cute and HILARIOUS! She ended up with a big ol' pile of loot! (and, jackie, I got to reuse the bag you gave me!)

megan and I took a walk and freaked everyone out because they couldn't find us--oopsie! and then it was time for bed. and on sunday we got up, packed up and came home. of course there was a bit of drama throughout the weekend--hello, there were fifteen girls!--but overall I think everyone--including the bride-to-be--had a most excellent time. I know I did! when I got home I CRASHED and slept for two hours.

and then matt came home and we exchanged stories--it was so funny, we spent like ten minutes talking while he was still on the stairs before I was like "go get your stuff, let's not sit on the stairs for this!" it was pretty funny. eventually we got to-go pasta and watched a good year, which I enjoyed quite a lot. it's a wine movie, but it's also a story of family and memories, and I would totally recommend it!


KaritaG said...

that looks like a FABULOUS party!!! I love bachelorette parties. We had a blaze like that at my last b-party too, last spring in breck! he's fun!

Nick said...

Is that the Giggling Mackerel across the bridge from Ocean Isle beach...I was just there on vacation! :)

care said...

sure is!

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