Tuesday, May 06, 2008

a walk's a run.

so, a few weeks ago my mom told me that I shouldn't play softball anymore because of my allergies. clearly, I have not listened to her. we played last night, and it was a GOOD game. for a while we were up, then we were down, and then in the last inning we won by making four runs. And? My good eye got the last run in, because I walked, and in that case, a walk was the run. :) Yaaaaaay, me!

I voted in the primary today. I resisted the urge to write "Former VP Al Gore" in the write-in spot. I will be pleased in November when I put my third "I Voted" sticker on my calculator--only ones for Presidential Elections go there. Don't ask, just roll with it. Anyway, I voted for a democrat, clearly, and s/he will make an excellent President, I think. I still feel like I'm not 100% confident in my choice, but it was 70-30 on who to choose, so I chose the winner. No matter how I voted, I will say it's going to be VERY interesting seeing the results of NC and Indiana. To think, a few months ago I was darn certain our primary was going to be a joke, or wasn't even going to happen--and now citizens are voting in record numbers. SO weird.

Thank you veryvery much for your input/opinions on the house. I am looking at another today, and then I think I'll make the final decision. I talked to Matt about it a lot too. And my Granny. And even my roommate Michelle. We'll just see how it all pans out...

Oh, and if you like Origins (I sure do!) and you've been thinking about buying something from them, today is the day. Until the end of today (Tuesday) they're doing their friends and family discount, and if you enter the code 0508FF you get 25% off AND free shipping on any order. Pretty awesome, I think. I restocked one of my face care things, the modern fusion, and then got face wash and bath gel. I. Am. Pleased.

and last, but certainly not least, I got my cheap sushi fix last night with my friend nick. very fun. it always seems like we have a girl/guy story to tell. and we got to talk about houses. and I liked it!


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