Tuesday, February 26, 2008

i'm feeling very not interesting today.

so I shall make a list.

a) I have an interview. tomorrow. noon. for a job at my current company in the dept I've been helping. anyone know what I'll be having for breakfast?

b) I seriously cannot wait for march 2nd. it'll signal that feb is totally over (though so far so good, I must say), that dinner theatre is finito with and that my life won't be nearly so cluttered. still working on that giving up overscheduling for lent thing. right now it's sorta out of my hands.

c) I am having trouble falling asleep at night. boohissssss!

d) I am reallyreally excited about purchasing a fancy-schmance thesaurus if I do get the job. It will be necessary.

e) today I got an email that made me happy. the dude who I work for in the other group basically backed me up and said "let's check a few short ones and if those look good, we're good." I like it that he assumes THE BEST instead of THE WORST.

f) I never thought I'd revisit it, but I'm having to look at my thermo paper again since they need a writing sample. High five to Kim and Matt R for chizzy-checking it out. They had some awesome input--it's hard transforming a paper from "good enough for a class" to "good enough to submit for an interview." I didn't realize that I used "the" a lot. that was totally helpful! which brings me to g.

g) I don't like the oxford comma. I just don't. I felt this way in high school. A whole lot of the time (though not always) that comma before the and is totally unnecessary. I feel like it wastes ink. And paper space. Even just a little. And makes things look cluttered. Now, if it makes your sentence more clear, by all means! but yeah. whatev. they're both acceptable, and for the number of arguments mmh and I had over commas, I think I've got to stick to my guns. ha!

so, time to...
-collect the gas sample
-grab some fast food
-head to church for practice (and while I sit and wait, re-revise my paper, try to get the good olfactory boys to have enough energy and get the kids to be quiet)
-go to the grocery to buy my breakfast for tomorrow
-go home. edit paper. burn our state cd. etc. yikes.

okay, toodles loves. gotta get a move on.


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