Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I think my interview went well. I didn't leave thinking "I got the job!" but I also didn't leave thinking "man, I sucked at that one." I think it was the cream cheese danish. :)

and I liked it that when they asked me why they should hire me over some one else I said because I have enthusiasm. and I like it that they liked it.

I had a dream last night that Matt and I went to Hawaii to visit Ariel and Chris, but that we stayed there for five hours and didn't see them at all and then had to get back on the plane to go home. And when we got back (wherever it was was a sunny place...) we tried to get tickets to go straight back right then, but they wouldn't sell them to us. And I cried. And then I started rehearsing skits for our dinner theatre to entertain the man at the counter while matt tried to get tickets from the lady next to him.


also, go sign this, pretty please. it's a breast cancer petition to urge congress to stop drive-through mastectomies.


Jax said...

Hooray!! I was waiting to hear and got NUTHING. Sheez, woman.. Way to keep people in suspense. :)

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