Thursday, February 14, 2008

edison week.

I must say, it is kind of disconcerting...

when you open up an email, and it's from your best friend, and you see it's called edison week, and you open up the picture, and you see someone dressed as popeye, and you think to yourself, in order:

1. oh, I remember edison week...
2. holy crap my ten year reunion is next year.
3. hey, did we even have a day where someone would've dressed up as popeye?!?
4. wait a minute...who is this? did I go to school with this perso--
5. holy sh*t that's my little brother harvey.

in all his glory.

ps? TOTALLY going to freak out my mom when I call and say "hey, how'd harvey's popeye costume work out?" :)


melissa said...

ha ha ha ha ha! i yam what i yam. funny pic. :)

brooke knight said...

holy shnikes...that is hilarious. are you going to tell him that you DIDNT EVEN RECOGNIZE HIM? hahaha.

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