Monday, January 14, 2008

tuckered out.

I started this yesterday, but I got too tired to finish! It said "I have only been awake for five hours, and already I am worn out. I was even a good girl--I took things slow, I didn't stand up too quickly, I sat around as much as possible. but I. Am. Pooped."

right. so right after I typed that michelle got home and came to check on me, and then I decided to nap. when I woke up matt was on his way to my place and chelsea was coming over to bring me food. hooray! she made me veggie sandwiches (the first non-potato veggies I'd had in days), turkey noodle soup and cookies. yum! matt took me to target to refill my pain med prescription (much to my disappointment, I'd hoped to not have to keep taking it!) and we also bought another thermos for me since I'm going through, oh 4L of tea a day, a fruit tea sampler from celestial seasons and some more fruit snacks.

did you know they make lego fruit snacks? well, they do. they're actually probably a TERRIBLE idea since they're meant to be eaten and resemble actual legos, which are NOT meant to be eaten...but we bought them anyway, just to try. and take my word for it, the target market pantry ones are better.

and after going to get me another baked potato (I'm really enjoying eating them) we came home, ate and watched Oceans Twelve. And then I read until I finished my book while Matt worked on stuff for school. He stayed up SO late, the poor thing. I've told him that tonight that he'll be eating chicken and going to bed early. We *might* watch Oceans Thirteen, but not if it's going to keep him up late again.

so yeah, finished The Book of Fate. It's good. It's not incredible. But if you like books that are kind of mysteries of sorts, and that are maybe a little political and rooted in some type of history, you might enjoy it. Plus, it's an easy read. Maybe it gets a B or B- in the Carrie-book-scale.

and speaking of books, be my friend on shelfari, okay? it's pretty neato. go here.

oh, and here are a few pictures--of where I'm spending ALL my time (and yes, it's a mess, and no, I don't care. everything I need is nearby and I can't lift anything heavy, so it doesn't matter a lick to me--and if it matters to you, please consider this your invitation to come clean it for me! ha!) and of my furry nurses. :) and I want to show you the one of the inside of my nose, but I'm not sure how many of you are queasy. so maybe tomorrow I'll upload it elsewhere and link to it. you can even see the scar tissue that was blocking my nasal passage!

and here's the card from my youth group. aren't the cute? and inventive!!!

and finally, a mini-rant. although you probably realize this if you're reading my blog, I'd like to make sure you know something--sinus surgery is a BIG deal. yes, some people have deviated septums and then are back to work in three days, and yes, it varies from person to person, but for those of you who are unaware, it is a big deal. it hurts and it wears you out and you have to be put totally under and it's a surgery.

anyway, so I am annoyed, remember last week when I watched that video and had the realization about my lack of interest in/desire for rich people knick-knacks and lavish, extravagant homes? well, the video was for one of those companies where they have you "change your buying habits" and it's a pyramid scheme of sorts--you buy from this website and make a small percentage, and you have your friends buy from here too, and they have their friends, etc.

so on friday night, approximately 10 hours after my surgery began, I get a call from this dude who left a message saying "Hey Carrie, it's B_____, 930 on Friday, I wanted to touch base with you, I know you just had sinus surgery, you're probably not feeling like talking, but when you get this message you GOTTA give me a call back. " what? WHAT?!? b*tch, please. if you have to say "I know you just had sinus surgery, you're probably not feeling like talking," shouldn't that be a sign that you shouldn't've called at all? I mean, unless you were calling to CHECK on the person? grrr!

(I also hate it when people tell you what you've GOTTA do. Like a "thanks in advance." This only usually bothers me when it's something I didn't want to do in the first place!)

and then it got worse! because on sunday night, when matt went to get things for me, the dude called AGAIN. And I was typing out a text message and accidentally answered (damn any-key answer!) and actually said "f*ck." into the phone when I answered. It probably offended Mr. Unbelievably Appallingly Conservative (by the way, pretty much no one I know other than like, him, falls into that category, it's a VERY difficult one to be placed in!) but I kind of don't care. Because now it's 48 hours later, and he's calling again, and I've told him that if he wants to tell me things he needs to email AND--here's the kicker--all he's calling about is to tell me that he doesn't have all the info and he is supposed to talk to the guy from the video later this week to find out more! I ask him "why are you telling me?" And he says he had told the guy about me, that he thought I'd be a good fit for the company.

what?!? dude, you don't even KNOW me. you hardly knew me in college, and we're going on five years out of that. yeesh. I mean, I'm trying to be polite, but for reals.

I ended up telling him in the politest most matter-of-fact was possible that I actually didn't mean to answer the phone, that sinus surgery is serious business and between the painkillers, the icepacks and the blood I'm coughing up I really don't feel like talking on the phone, that as a matter of fact I'm a very busy person and I'd prefer it if he communicated via email, otherwise I wasn't really interested in what he had to say, and that I hope he had a good rest of his weekend.


anyway, yeah. between that and then checking my work email and having two people think that they'd see me yesterday, I was kind of like "clearly, people don't understand that this surgery can be kind of intense."

whatever...done ranting.

now time to read. and maybe play with my new box of 120 different colors of crayons. and take a nap. and read. and heal. definitely heal.

and this was a long rambly post. sorry about that.


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