Tuesday, December 04, 2007

but but I won't look away first, and you won't look away first

~the future kings of nowhere.

check out their song like a staring contest. it's kinda catchy. like the catchy-est breaking up song ever. but I still like it. and? they're from durham. yay for liking local music.

so, I scheduled my surgery for the 11th. I need to get my duckies all in a row and then not think of it anymore . icks. 38 days, peeps. and then, hope-hope-hopefully I'll heal and be all better. please be prepared for me to b*tch about not getting to have garlic.

we had a really fun evening last night--taco salad for dinner, beer at brixx and then watching the last heroes. they're all sneaky with their "we'll be back in 2008." yeah, I'm imagining in september of 2008. boo and a half. and the ep was decent, but not awesome or amazing. it was quite clear that they had to kind of throw it all together at the end. :(

oh, and last night gobi didn't want matt to leave. he sat on his coat. it was kinda funny. it's the same thing he does when I am packing a bag...he sits on it so I can't get into it!

other fun--tonya gave me these littlest pets for my birthday--in honor of both gertrude and of reading charlotte's web. they are brigtening up my office! and then the butterfly is from the science center in augusta. (which reminds me I need to send Anna a gift!)

today I had to bust out my chemistry skillz. like, with normality of a solution. yick. I am soooo glad I didn't switch to chemistry, lemme tell ya. engineering is lotsa lotsa better. but it's all okay, 'cause in two hours and change I'll be at waraji eating sushi and planning for our ski trip. it should be fun! the girls realized that if we left the boys to plan we'd have lots of beer and no food. :)

um, and little sad note for the day--today woulda been my granddaddy's 80th birthday. it makes me miss him. but then the things I think of make me smile, and I'm good again. I do, however, hope very much that I can locate a little sock monkey. it would make me happy to have one, 'cause it'd make me think of him. okay, sad note over.

and as I walked upstairs to check out the concentration of our ammonium hydroxide, the big window on the side of the building greeted me with this view. I assure you that I looked VERY silly taking a picture of it, but it was too pretty to not capture in pixels. do enjoy.


Ariel and Chris said...

Very cool sky.

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

1. fingers crossed for your surgery.

2. my cats do the same thing.

3. i've never been snow skiing. but you will have a BLAST.

4. i'll keep my eyes open for a sock monkey.

5. your granddaddy loves you so much and is so proud of you.

6. maybe the sky was his idea?

have a GREAT DAY!

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