Wednesday, November 07, 2007

things the grandchildren should know.

~the eels.

okay, some things you might should know about.

freerice- I get to learn new words (or verify that I already know other ones) and in exchange this nice organization sends rices to hungry people. I'm pretty sure we all win.

recycle, recycle, recycle. it's EASY. and important. that aluminum can you used at lunch? it can be recycled indefinitely, a can made with recycled aluminum emits 95% less than a new can. and the energy saved by recycling that one can could power a TV for three hours. Or it's like not using half a gallon of gasoline.

you can recycle the aluminum foil on hershey's kisses.

one third to forty percent of the water used in most homes is flushed down the toilet. for reals people, if all you did was pee, consider waiting to flush until next time. I *still* can't believe that this hasn't been mentioned despite our being in a drought. heck, my grandparents used to wait until the end of the day to flush the toilet just to save water and therefore money, when they were just starting out.

the average american spends eight full months of his/her life opening junk mail.

every time you open your over door while cooking you lose 25 degrees or more.

every year we make enough plastic wrap to shrink-wrap the state of texas!

styrofoam is not recyclable! and every year americans throw away 25,000,000,000 styrofoam cups--that's enough to circle the earth 436 times.

use goodsearch. you earn money for a charity/org just by doing something you're already doing anyway.

um, yeah. so I felt like sharing this stuff. 'coz you prolly need to know. and this way my post didn't involve pouting, although I must admit I feel much better. :)

and, lyrics to my new fave song 'coz it's so cute--it's called "i love you, you imbecile." by pelle carlberg. from my paste cd. i think I especially love it because it talks about living with someone's puns. and, um, I kinda think Matt (and anyone else who spends time with me or hell even reads this blog) might have to put up with those a lot! :)

I love the way you talk
I love the way you stalk
me with your mobile phone
I love the way you smile
The way you're juvenile
I love the way you moan

I can live with vanity and puns
and the morning temper runs
I can live with all your downsides
I can live with you

All I want, all I need
All I want is you
I can live with all the stupid things you do.

I love the way you dress
the way you make a mess
and that you're always late
I love the way you smell
and I can always tell
when you exaggerate

I can live with vanity and puns
and the morning temper runs
I can live with all your downsides
I can live with you...

All I want, all I need
All I want, all I need
All I want, all I need

All I want is you
I can live with all the stupid things you do.


Anonymous said...

Love it! The song made me laugh.. I also tried to post on the pics below but it kept getting angry at me yesterday, but I love them, too. Glad you're feeling better. I think it's so funny that people can likely trace our moods-especially us since we blog so much- from our blogs. *sigh* Eh well.. Whatever. :)

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