Tuesday, November 06, 2007

i am not a wreck. i am not a wreck. i am not a wreck.

(because sterling says so) kinda like "there's no place like home." but, um not. and I'm going to say that while clicking my heels and wearing silver shoes like in the book, not the red sparkle ones from the movie. specifically, these.

I might cop to being drained. or a mess. or frustrated. or worn out. but I am not a wreck.

tonight I go to dinner with my friend Collin to celebrate being Octoberians. And can you guess where I'm going? Here's a hint--I'm going to order off the menu.

and I think that after I do a few things I need to do (fill out some stuff, look at benefit options for work, put away my clean dishes and clothes and wash some dirty ones, etc) I might break out the ol' paints and do some de-stressing in the best way I know how. any suggestions of what to paint?

oh and. pictures from the weekend--here are some assorted ones. it was quite funny to me that the other girls were just "how do you have cute hair in the morning? hell, how do you look cute in the morning at all?!? can you teach us how? that is so unfair!" I found that quite amusing. And I told them they might should get glasses. Also, the low that night was 39. Which isn't freezing, but it ain't warm either, certainly not in a tent. And, the one picture shows you how bad the drought is--see the roots on that tree? and matt was pretty proud of that shadow picture. silly. oh AND. we totally got made fun of for our sweatshirts--gray, hooded, related to our houses. :)

and here are some pictures Matt took. he gets more picture savvy every time we take pictures together. and the one at an angle he totally took for me--because he knew I'd like the angles. :) aw.

and did I mention I have a minor obsession with mailboxes? we drove by these, and matt said "you want me to turn around so you can go photograph those, huh?" he knows me rather well, methinks.

did you read about the guy on jackie's blog? some people have all the luck.


a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

no. i'm the wreck! sheesh week from hell, hurry up and get over!

although? your pictures make it better if only for a moment. :)

new york guy? S.U.C.K.S.

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