Thursday, September 06, 2007

i might...

have crohn's disease.
have a peptic ulcer.
still be recovering from a stomach virus that has caused a thickening of the ileum at the end of my small intestine.

so next week I get to do this and this. I am told it will not be as bad as the CT scan last week. I hope they are correct.

In the meantime, me and the zantac will continue to be good buddies. Please do hope for it to just be that stomach virus thing. It's eleven days later and I'm still having symptoms (and have a low-grade fever) but that doesn't mean it couldn't've been a virus, they just like to see those symptoms go away after a week she says, and of all the possibilities, that's definitely the best.

yee-haw. and also, yikes.


melissa said...

good lord woman. let's get better already, shall we? : ) i've got my fingers crossed for a virus. that'll be the only time in my life i say that probably...

Jax said...

Yikes. I hope it's not Crohns.. I mean.. it's okay these days, but that just requires so much more meds, etc.. Hopefully its a virus. :)

sarahsouth said...

hi! i stumbled upon your blog a while ago on one bored evening when i was scrolling through blogspot with the toolbar at the top of my screen. your blog is the only one i've actually revisited after using this browsing method - your writing style and topics are often so adorable! but i am really sorry to see today what you've been going through, and i just want to say, hang in there. i'll be sending good thoughts your way!

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