Tuesday, May 01, 2007

there must be something wrong with me.

I hung out with a bunch of people whose company I love tonight, and I didn't take a damn picture. Not a single one. I blame the glass that would reflect the flash--we were seated outside near the window--but still. when does that EVER happen?

I also have to say that I LOVE it that 1) more of my area friends got to meet the guy I'm dating and 2) that he did a lovely job of interacting with them. yes, incase you were wondering, even my nemesis, Michael. my, how I've missed him. yes, you now have that in writing. do enjoy.

we celebrated Mary Alise and Michael's engagement with dinner at the mellow mushroom in durham tonight. hooray for pizza and beer--purple haze for me. :)

today has been tiring, tedious day that ended on a very super fun note. and? I got to wear my cute, new, less-that-twenty-dollar target skirt that kara inspired me to buy. honestly, she was my inspiration for TWO skirts. Michael actually said, "wow, you look like a girl!" I don't think he's ever seen me in a skirt before. I'm not so keen on wearing them most of the time, you know? mean boy though. he made a crack about how now all we need to do it get you a tan! the looking like a girl joke I can handle, but the tan joke? not so much.

also, kinda ironic factoid: almost exactly a month ago I saw Michael in jeans for the first time. he hadn't owned a pair before. and now for the first time he's seen me in a skirt. interesting, no?

oh, and. does anyone else have this happen? I wore a headband to work today because, well, quite frankly I was too lazy to wash my hair twice today, and so I rocked the ponytail and headband combo look. And now I STILL feel like I have on a headband. it's been off for like six hours. you'd think the feeling would have gone away by now. it hasn't.

also, I must say, that look? used to sooooo be dorky. and now it's cool. only I think it's still dorky when I do it. especially since I wear safety glasses most of the day...

alright, I'm tired. and tired of typing. i typed some long long emails today, about, oh three or four of 'em? and did some kd stuff. and gchatted. and now my little fingers hurt. and I mean little as in slightly-short, not as in pinkie. get with the program. or learn about pinkies. (shout out to jackie's old blog. i like your new one better, by the way. more *you*)

ps, someone please come up with a word. please please? you know how you can call your feet your tootsies when you're trying to be all cute? what's cute word for your hands/fingers? that would be really helpful, thanks. brooke? kat? sterling? someone?


SJ said...

Your paws? That's what I use.

Anonymous said...

Mitts, as in mittens.

Good news on my blog. You should read it.

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