Tuesday, April 24, 2007

[s]he's going the distance...


hi there.
flash of brilliance, much?

So, I'm going to be in Tulsa June 22-July 1, y'see. I am IMMENSELY sad that I won't be seeing the fireworks there, but that really can't be helped.

anyhoo. I know what I'm doing Friday, June 22nd, and on Friday and Saturday the 29th and 30th. The rest of the time? Up for grabs.

And know what little thinker Carrie here is going to do? Seriously, are you ready?

Remember one of my life goals? Taking pictures in all 50 states? Hows abouts I knock out Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas while I'm there? I need to look into it a little more, but if I spent the day driving up to the edge of Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas, I could, in theory, visit all three. Y'know, Coffeyville, Joplin and Bentonville? Hmmmmmm...

a little crazy? perhaps.
but also? kinda brilliant, methinks.

oh and, anybody know a good quad stretch? I know the one where you basically bring your heel to your butt, but it ain't cuttin' the mustard. I seem to have owied my left quad during softball yesterday. which, by the way, we lost MISERABLY.


katandkarl said...

quad stretch tips:

1. do the same stretch you are doing (bringing heel to butt while standing) BUT squeeze your glut/butt muscles as tight as you can. this gets you deeper and hits the front of your quad.

2. same concept but lay down on tummy and bring heel to butt... grab ankle with hand... allows you to concentrate on that muscle w/o worrying about balance. this also works if you have someone else push on your calf/ankle for you. sometimes a better stretch than doing it yourself.

Turner said...

I haven't found much luck grabbing the heel myself... what, no one thought that was funny? fine then... Holding our ankle works better - so long as you REALLY pull back ... to the point where you look like a flamingo standing on one leg.

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