Wednesday, January 17, 2007

poli high, poli technic, poli technical high, poli high, poli poli high.

~harry nilsson

mmm, so. I wasn't digging the grey today. blue, perhaps? I tried green, but I just wasn't digging any of them. I'm still not sure though. hmm hmm hmm. I mean, not like blog colors matter, but I don't wanna keep tinkering.

I have had songs and phrases from The Point in my head ever since yesterday. For no reason at all. I haven't watched that in months and months. But it's there nonetheless. 'course, that's not at all surprising, really, since I've seen that movie eleventy billion times. (and, ps, if you haven't, perhaps you should. it's short and weird and very 70s, but they say thinks like "a point in every direction is the same as no point at all," and "-dig." plus ringo starr narrates and harry nilsson did all the music. good stuff, good stuff.)

It is blissfully chilly in Raleighwood today. (blissfully?!?) I've wanted it to be cold. I mean, I was love. ing. the warm weather we got this weekend, but (not-so) secretly I want it to snow. I am not used to missing, of all things Tulsa, the snow. I'm used to missing my friends and Mazzio's and Hob Lob, but not the snow. Bluebell icecream and fireworks and the river, but not the snow. I guess I've gotta get over it eventually, though, 'cause I likely won't live there again, prolly ever, or at least not until I'm old and grey. Hmm.

please pardon the lack of interestingness in today's blog. perhaps I'll have a story or seven to share later today, eh?


Jax said...

You dont miss the snow. trust me. it's more like slush.. brown..driven in.. grosso..slush.. and well.. you walk and cant even make footprints b/c its SOLID ICE. duuuude.. I mean.. it almost transforms the city from my window which is cool.. but actually WALKING in it.. not so cool. :)

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