Tuesday, January 23, 2007

go green, go white, go team, fight fight!

so, I learned some new things today.

1. Turkey Mountain in Tulsa falls 100 feet short of being a mountain. (its elevation is 900ft) I knew it wasn't *really* a mountain, I just never knew the specifics.
2. "Buckle of the Bible Belt" isn't just a cute expression--we're actually regarded as the center! Like, officially.
3. The second most popular denomination /religion in Oklahoma is Methodism. (I find it particularly interesting that my religiously diverse family doesn't have the top option--Southern Baptist.)
4. Oklahoma has the nation's most diverse terrain.
5. AND? Our colors are green and white. I had NO IDEA.

That means my middle school, high school, sorority and state all have green and white as their colors (okay, kaydee is olive green and pearl white but you get the idea)!

I read it all here. I heart wikipedia, really I do.

I think that later I'm going to start a countdown to Oklahoma's 100th birthday. :)


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