Wednesday, October 25, 2006

king's hawaiian bread

I went over to my friend Katie's house last night (hope you're feeling better!), and happened to mention to her that I was going to the grocery store to get some things, including some hawaiian bread. She had NO idea what I was talking about, which means that 1) she was missing out and 2) some of you might not know either! Sooo....

please please please tell me that this looks at least vaguely familiar to you…because it is so So SOOO yummy. If you've never had it, go to the grocery store ASAP and pick some up. It's in the deli/bakery area, and if you're lucky there's a couple of options for you--the circular tins (like above), a four pack of rolls and a twelve pack of rolls. Go for the tin, it's worth every penny!

I've had it hundreds of times, but my favorite way to have it is with a piping hot bowl of this.

i dip the bread in the soup-mmmmmm....seriously, try it. you might like it.

and even if you don't like the soup I guarantee you'll like the bread! happy eating!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the art shout-out, i have never heard of this bread either! see, i am soooo obsessed with jewish rye, i dont know if i have room for a new bread in my life! but i will try!

Renee B. said...

my friend lawrence hasn't been feeling well and after reading about my carbon monoxide situation he called the gas company (or something) and they came out and checked his apartment and the levels were near fatal. so because of my post, he didn't die!

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