Monday, September 04, 2006



this little guy is a cute. His name is Sampson, and Mary Alise adopted him on Saturday. She got him yesterday, and he's CUTE and PLAYFUL! And he cuddles too. Clearly I could not resist the urge to take pictures of this guy.

oh, and the cat ladies? nutso. seriously.

Friday night the Cat Lady with bfpa called me to thank me for recommending Mary Alise to them. She left a message telling me that they'd been talking, and that there was a pair of older boy kitties that she was interested in. I thought, "huh, this is weird. Mary Alise wants one kitten, and she wants a kitten, not a cat. Hmm."

Saturday morning before we go to Petsmart she explains that the lady tried to force it on her, and we conclude that the Cat Lady was trying to coerce us--if I bit, I'd try to convince Mary Alise to get the two kitties who were older, thinking that was what she would want.

She finds Sampson, and he's great! Cat Lady is a bit reluctant though, and Mary Alise is kind of worried they aren't going to let he have him. We go and buy kitty stuff, and come to say goodbye to Sampson. With a sigh and a hint of disappointment, Cat Lady says someone will bring Sampson to Mary Alise on Sunday.

Sunday a Sane Cat Lady shows up with the spectacular Sampson. She explains that Cat Lady called Sane Cat Lady to tell her about Sampson's adoption, and said, "But I have to tell you something..." Sane Cat Lady's thoughts race--does this girl have a record? is she an unfit pet owner? has she done something terrible?..."He's going to be an only cat." Sane Cat Lady almost fell out of her chair she thought this was so ridiculous. For the most part, there's nothing wrong with having an only cat, if you give him/her the attention you need.

Sane Cat Lady also apologized to Mary Alise for Cat Lady's behavior. Because, really. 'Course this is the same lady that almost yelled at me last October when I said I was going to use over-the-counter flea meds on her. I mean, really. Yeesh.

Anyhoo, that's the story of Sampson. He's a cutie!


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