Tuesday, September 05, 2006

lessons learned in the bathroom.

Never, ever, EVER walk around the public bathroom/locker-room at work completely naked.  It's just a bad idea.*

So, like five minutes ago I'm in the bathroom at the sink, flossing and brushing my teeth.  I do this pretty much every afternoon (I am trying to avoid more of those miserable, miserable root canals and roof-of-the-mouth shots).  So, I'm in there, and I realize that someone is using one of the stalls.  I think, "oh, dammit, someone's in here.  and now I'm going to get that who-brushes-their-teeth-in-the-middle-of-the-day look.  great." I wait for the person to exit and provide me with their look of confusion/disgust/disdain, when lo! and behold!, I see a naked woman with not a spec of clothing on, save for sneakers and an insulin pump attached to her.  She goes to pick up her clothes from the bench, and then goes to take a shower.

Now, here's the thing.  If we were at, say, a gym, or a spa, or an athletic club of some type, I'd understand.  It's okay to be naked, y'know?  But not somewhere where a superior of your same gender could see you in your bare-assed glory.  Or at least not at work, and not when you could potentially have to sit across from them during a meeting forty-five minutes later.  If you and your boss worked out at the same gym, the situation could be semi-understandable.  And I do believe that woman had just been working out—lots of people do during their lunch here.  But really, it's friggin Annie put your clothes on, as Carrie Bradshaw would say. 

But at least it made my oral health regimen not nearly as weird. Exposing your floss at work is not nearly as awkward as exposing your flesh, methinks.

*unless, of course, you've spilled chemicals all over yourself and had to strip down naked under the safety shower.  but even then, at least cover up your not-g-rated bits.


Jax said...

Hahahaha.. Wow. Okay.. you win for the weirdest work occurence EVER.

Anonymous said...

Well, damn, that post started out as a big tease.

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