Tuesday, October 18, 2005

the lady hazel, more precisely

she has chosen to inform us of her regal nature, and is henceforth The Lady Hazel.

Additionally, I am amazed with what people and creatures get away with by virtue of being cute. I meam, I let her claw things, including me, because she's adorable while doing it. She's still getting some of her climbing balance. She jumps up but then has to dig her claws in to stay. And she and Gobi and double-teaming me when I study. She also purrs like a motorboat or an outboard motor. I say purr purr purr purr purr. Otto says putt putt putt putt putt. Same dif.

Also, I hate cat snobs. The ones who think that because you might--gasp--spend two hours away from the cat, or not feed them gourmet cat food (gobi's been doing fine with friskies, thankyouverymuch) or give them an over the counter flea treatment (which may or may not have pesticides) you are a horrible kitty mommie. These people are really nice, but they're waaaay over the top. As Otto pointed out, anyone who spends their entire weekend rescuing animals is going to be a bit over-zealous about them.

Hazel is wrapping her little paws around and leaning her head against my arm as I type. :)

Okay, time to get ready for work. I'm getting there early since I have a test this evening. Thermodynamics in the DEVIL, I tell you. the devil. and my homework solutions are awful and not detailed. Bummer and a half.


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