Thursday, December 01, 2011

more of the dreams.

last week I had a dream that a little red bug was biting the palm of my right hand.

last night I had a dream that I pulled a piece of hair out of my eye.

I read about them. I'm not sure what they mean. But I think they are strange.


I am ready for the weekend. Jessica and Cody and little bitty Caroline are coming to visit! And I get to take pictures of three really amazing groups this week--all people that I really love to hang out with! :D The three I just mentioned, Emily & Dave and Evan, and Lisa and Richard (and the bump!). It's the best kind of weekend when all of my photography is for people that I call my friends--it always means the best pics!

And, I did something a little crazy. I bought a new lens. A crazy expensive investment of a lens. It's an upgrade of my 50mm that Melissa encouraged me to get years ago. And I KNOW I will love having it! I am super excited to do the sessions!

I swear I have more interesting things to blog about! I will get there some day, I promise. :)


Climber Mom said...

yay, looking forward to Sunday. have fun with the little one! :)

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