Monday, February 15, 2010

seeking your opinion...

It's time for my company's annual photo contest! I have always found your feedback so very helpful--would you mind helping me out again? I get to enter 5 images. This year I seem to be tending towards the "misc" category. There are actually 5 possible categories--well, 6 really, but 5 I qualify to enter. People, Nature, Landscape, Architecture and Misc.

Would you please tell me which one(s) you like best? Feel free to say 1 or 7 or any number you like! I really appreciate your help!

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

21 22

Oh yeah, and in case you are curious--I felt that if I was actually hired and paid to do the work, it wasn't appropriate for me to enter it in the contest. It's just not in the spirit of the event!

I will be placing my order on Thursday, so if you have a moment before then I'd appreciate it! thanks, friends!


Nicole Faby said...

two, the signs

Zan said...

my favs (in order): 20, 2, 1, 8, 17, 6, and 19. and i made thomas pick his favs (in order):1,3, 18, 21, 8, 9, 2, and maybe 6.

They are all wonderful friend. Good luck in the contest!

Renee B. said...

buddy! :-)

Jax said...

I love love love the pic of the keys for some reason.. Im just drawn to it.. And I love number 11.. the flower frontal view.. :) Those are my favs!!!

Turner said...

I like 8 and 18... I also think both would look good in black-and-white if you felt so inclined.

brooke knight said...

my votes are 1,2,6,17,20. i think it's so cool that they do this every year!

Misha said...

My vote is for 18!

Jessie ᏤᏏ said...

I like 1, 3, 11, 17, and 18. I think 1 is my favorite, but I'm not sure I've ordered the others. Nice work!

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