Friday, November 13, 2009

i follow my officiant on tw!tter.

no, really. I do. we're also facebook friends. I'm not joking. and it seems juuuuuust a little strange to me, but at the same time I think it's a whole new level of awesome. :)

also, I think I am going to invest in some kleenex. because NO ONE warned me that sappy-sap-sappy Carrie would need them.

I mean, okay, so there were no waterworks when Matt proposed (teared up a little, but no tears fell!), but since then, I have cried or teared up when:

-I realized that yesterday, when we'd been engaged a month, I wore the same sweater I was wearing when Matt proposed. not on purpose.

-I was told that Rosemary and her bestgoodfriend Nancy wanted to throw me a bridal shower over Christmas (it is so sweet. and thoughtful. and overwhelming. and I had totally failed to think about the gift part until Matt mentioned that!)

-when I was looking at yellow and green items yesterday and found some I knew would be adorable (except now I have to find them "green")

-when my photographer, Nicole, sent me a picture of a wedding she'd taken to give me an example for an idea I had

-and just now, at my desk, because my officiant sent me an example of his "typical" wedding ceremony.

sometimes I tear up when my shiny sparkly ring catches my eye. sometimes it's because I look at Matt and I realize I am, in a way that is not weird, really looking forward to seeing how his blue eyes still sparkle when his hair is all salt-and-pepper gray. yesterday I got teary because I typed "crf" and meant "capital recovery factor" but realized that that's what I'll use for my initials. (even if/when I hypenate!)

tears, tears, tears. 90% happy tears. 10% overwhelmed/omg/wow tears. but both are the smiling-all-the-while tears.

and this? it's fantastic. :) and I am wholly unapologetic for the sap, so there, ha!


melissa said...

dude i have BEEN there lately. i know exactly what you mean.. only yours is times ten, at least!!!

don't forget the waterproof maybelline on the big day... unless you're a l'oreal kind of girl. ;)

Sarah said...

I love the SAP.

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