Wednesday, April 29, 2009

wbw--horsies and kneesocks

this is from when we lived in Bartlesville, which was where we were born. I remember this horse, and I remember the frog that's sitting behind it (on the right side, see the green speckled thing? that's a frog.) and man, do I remember those dresses!!

I have no idea how old we are here. three, maybe? we lived in Arizona for a while, and went to kindergarten there, so maybe we're three almost four? maybe?

anyway, this is DEFINITELY from way back. found it as I was going through my images to put on my new site. I put it up on myspace a long time ago, so if you saw the answer to this then, please don't guess. Which one am I? On the right or the left, hmmm?


Jax said...

Ooh tough one! I'll vote left. :)

Jax said...

And very cute btw!!!

melissa said...

i'm going with left also. it is not nearly that difficult to tell my twin and me apart, even when we were that little. CRAZY TOWN. :) love the pic. cute x 2.

SJ said...


Stacia said...

cute pic....I am confused though. Are you and Melissa twins?

care said...

heehee, no! well, yes. um, yes, we are both twins. but not with each other. :)

Jessie ᏤᏏ said...

I was going to guess right.

...but maybe not correctly.

Nicole Faby said...

im going with the one on the left! Answer?

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