Wednesday, July 09, 2008

levels of annoyance

I'm am annoyed about a couple of things right now...

1. my home is heated with gas. or so I am told. this means we have to sign up with the gas company, whatever. so, I finally did that today, only to find out that a) you have to be home for them to "check" that your stuff is on, b)I have to pay a monthly service charge of ten bucks for having the gas "activated" and c) if you turn off your gas, say to avoid that service charge, it will cost you $65 for them to come to reactivate your service AND you have to have them actually come to your house. again. I might've told the lady I thought it was a racket. She might've agreed! I hope they didn't monitor that call!

2. my plants. I LOVE my plants, don't get me wrong. but I have to bring them to my new place today and my car isn't going to appreciate that very much. speaking of which I have to take my car to get checked out. crap!

3. I just had a 3-month review with my boss. It actually went very well--I'm doing a good job, they're glad I'm jumping in with both feet, etc. Except he wishes I'd get here earlier. Which is FINE except that another girl gets here when I do or after and it's okay. Something about "core hours" and all. It's really okay, just annoying that someone else who works full time, is young and who has no children gets to be an exception to the rule and I have to follow it.

4. I am SWAMPED. Someone just gave me something else to do that's gonna take an awful lot of my time the next two days, and I had to pass off other work onto someone else. It's formatting and updating and stuff. It's weird to have someone to pass work onto, like a secretary or whatever. But anyway, I want to be like "people, I am going on vacation. VACATION. you do not pile on the work right before vacation. seriously."

5. I am now an officer in the local chapter of AWMA. It's actually the best in the nation--has been for ten of the last eleven years, no lie. (the fluke year our secretary turned in the application late!) But I am a)the youngest person, b)the only female and c)the most motivated, talkative person in the execs. This is fine and all, except when we had the officer's meeting at lunch today (and I had a yummy sandwich with spinach, feta, mozz, tomatoes and something else I can't recall) the president was like "it's a pity you're the secretary, now we look stereotypical--all men in the offices and a lady secretary." I let it slide because he was secretary last year, but honestly I found that kind of offensive. IN THE WORKPLACE IT DOES NOT MATTER THAT I HAVE BOOBS. Or other lady parts. The same rules should apply to a professional organization. I don't think he's an ass, he was actually really nice, but yeesh.

Oh and they really don't know what to do with me--I was all, do we have bylaws? Are they current? Have we done meetings with other professional organizations here in the Triangle? If we think that the Tuesday lunches are a problem for some what about doing one day in even months and another day in odds? They were like "if Carrie keeps up this energy maybe we can get her to be chair next year!" Odds are slim folks. But it makes my boss and my boss' boss happy that I'm doing this and it will look good on my resume, so I'll grin and bear. :)

6. I am sore. Especially whatever muscles those are right under your armpits. I went (indoor) rock climbing with my friend Lisa yesterday, and it was fun, and I will totally go again! I generally despise exercise--I don't run unless there's a ball involved, ellipticals are BORING and I hate hate hate the mirrors. That's why I play softball. And football. And why I'm going to try soccer with Matt. And now sometimes I will rock climb! I didn't do so awesome, but I maintained my cool long enough to try the same wall 5 times unsuccessfully and only quit because my arms were worn out, so I feel like that's an accomplishment.

7. It is only Wednesday. There is SO much to do between now and Saturday at 11!


KaritaG said...

Two comments: first, I actually had to defend a gas company once about that monthly service charge, and come to find out, it's actually really expensive for them to maintain all of the various lines and hookups in a safe condition. I agree it sucks to pay a fee even when you're not actually *using* gas, but there IS a reason for it, I promise! I mean, $10 a month to ensure you have heat when you need it and to be (reasonably) sure nothing's going to blow up?! Small price to pay, I think...Not that that makes you feel any better, but good to know...

Also, yay for rock climbing! I started going when I met J and it will tone your whole body. Seriously. I love it.

care said...

that is really, really good to know, on both counts, thanks!

it still sucks though! :)

Anonymous said...

GAS! I SO agree! Remember my rants on my blog in the winter about it? I said the SAME thing b/c last year I determined to outsmart them and cancel the gas so I could turn it back on in October. My system is so old that it seems to leak or something.. not leak gas like "oh, im gonna blow up" but it just uses more. So, anyway, in July, my bill was 25 bucks and I was PISSED. But, same thing.. they charge you to reactivate...and they made me put down a 300 dollar deposit for cancelling my gas. NOT. KIDDING. So, they raped me anyway. Assholes.

I understand what karitag said, but that doesnt mean I dont have a deep distaste for the gas company thanks to some bitter feelings!

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