Wednesday, July 30, 2008


so, remember how I decided that maybe I should be an environmental engineer? and now I sorta-kinda are one? (yes, that was purposeful) I mean, technically I'm an Air Quality Engineer by trade, chemical engineer by degree, but I'm like 98% certain that means I'm in the job of an enviro engineer.

um, well. my friend lisa has been encouraging me (thanks for the push!) to get back to taking classes, especially since now I'm in a group that I LIKE and who is NICE to me and my boss is awesome-tastic.

so, I looked online and all the classes I might want to take aren't offered online. BUT there's one that's on tuesdays and thursdays from 830-945. I DON'T want to get up for that, but I DO want my masters. so, I asked my boss if I could do it. he asked his boss.

and dammit they said yes. I mean, yay! but also dammit.

I told him I wasn't 100% sure, but it just seems kind of smart. here is a description of the class:

"Engineering Principles of Air Pollution Control. Introduction to air pollution control fundamentals and design. Fundamentals including physics, chemistry and thermodynamics of pollutant formation, prevention and control. Design including gas treatment and process and feedstock modification. Addressed pollutants include sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, hydrocarbons and air toxins. Investigation of current research."

one teensy problem is that my degree will actually be a master of science in civil engineering. I won't have an "environmental engineering" degree. I can write "emphasis on air pollution engineering" on my resume, but it'll actually be civil. and since there is a hierarchy of engineering, and since civil is "below" chemical, I'm still taking a step up, it's just not as big of one. but then again, no matter what the piece of paper says exactly, I'll still have a masters and it'll still make me more qualified to be an enviro engineer. and it'll make me better qualified for a promotion, too. decisions, decisions.

and, while googling an image to try to spice up this post, (unsuccessfully, I might add) I found this website, confessions of a closet environmentalist. which linked me to a woman who has been living without adding any new plastic to her life. there are other links, too. but anyway, yeah. might be trying out that whole grad school thing again...we shall see.


Maria said...

I wish I had waited. or just finished. Now i am rushing around trying to get it done while acting like I'm a single parent and working and stressing... life sucks today.

The Writer said...

I got a degree in math and bioengineering, and I work as an immunologist. Not similar at all.

Doesn't matter the degree - if you're qualified, you'll get the job.

And do what YOU like. In the end it will work out!


Patty said...

you are such a go getter. I love that about you! And thanks for the tip on "envirowoman"...very interesting (and I'm imagining EXTREMELY difficult) that she was able to cut out plastic completely. Pretty hard core. I think I'll follow her blog and see what I can pick up!

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

i say go for it! your posts always motivate me and that is the reason that yours is the first one i read EVERY day :)

care said...

you guys make me smile.

@maria, do you mean hadn't waited?

@del. I will like being more knowledgeable about the environment!

@patty and mouthy, thanks!

Maria said...

Nope. I mean-- I wish I had waited to start or just finished right away (the first time). I have 9 hours left and am now scrambling to finish before I stop losing hours.

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