Monday, June 02, 2008

spectrum of food colors?

quite some time ago my friend turner told me that spectrum was my favorite color. I kinda really think he is right.

I am too busy to tell you all about my weekend BUT I will show you some paint samples. I'm still working out the deets and options and all, but this is my first run. here are the samples and my floorplan. you'll notice that they are all food-ish colors. this was not planned.

basically, the nutmeg will run the length of the place--the kitchen, dining area and living area all share a wall. the orange and yellow will go in the kitchen and breakfast nook, and the greens will go in the living area. the lightest green will be on the wall that goes up to the stairs. it's a lot of different colors, but I think I will really, really like it. we shall see. might also use red instead of yellow? I really like the yellow though. I mean, there's the potential yellow kitchens catching on fire thing, but apparently it aids in digestion. and I like it. hm.

more md deets later, but here are two to tide you over. matt bought me boatloads of summer shandy (which ironically enough is in stock in raleigh grocery stores again, but the sweetness of the gesture is not ruined) so there's one of my trunk and another of us eating icecream. I got a sunburn, rode on a boat and our friends got engaged! more later.


Ariel Merritt said...

The floor plan looks great and all that beer looks really great!

Katie said...

we love the summer shandy too! and circus boy from magic hat. yay for summer!

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