Friday, June 27, 2008

i totally owe matt ten bucks.

when we looked at our new place we jokingly referred to the guest room closet as "matt's room." that joke started when we saw it had a window and wasn't tiny. matt said "that's fine. I can totally fit my twin bed in there." I told him there was no way a twin bed could fit--width wise sure, but not length wise.

We bet ten bucks on it.

we've been joking about it ever since--like as we looked at the colors for rooms and some of 'em had names that I can't think of now, but basically implied that you were in trouble. we talked about painting the closet funny colors like that one, where matt would go if he was bad (NOT that I am an advocate of banishing poorly-behaved men to other beds, no no no!) and anyway.

he just sent me a message.
and he was right.
and now I owe him ten clams.


Ariel and Chris said...

ha! poor matt better stay on your good side.

Sarah said...

that is too funny...better pay up chica.

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