Friday, June 20, 2008

getting so much better all the time

~the beatles

so, I wish that when you call and ask questions about home stuff people would be more forthcoming with answers. like, earlier this week I called lowe's and home depot to ask about eco friendly paint (though I also tried to find this stuff but couldn't) and I found some that was reasonably priced ($21 a gallon), so I said "can you color match?" they said yes, ma'am.

good news: the paint wasn't just low-VOC, it was NO VOC.
bad news: color matching is something they're going to complain about.

we found two of our colors that were thisclose to the paint samples they already had and had them match the rest. I'm quite nervous about the yellow and orange, but matt promised me that if we painted and I hated them we can paint again. By the way? that's how I know he loves me. :)

So, after a quick dinner at Chili's (and boo hiss for the durham on the border closing--it's the closest thing to tex-mex you can get in these here parts) we went back to pick up our paint, bought some supplies and purchased a ceiling fan for the bedroom.

Oh, and we stopped at the grocery store and bought some Summer Shandy and Yuengling. I'm pretty sure that Matt and I are going to be personally responsible for the shortage in Summer Shandy this time around! But painting is much more pleasant with beer.

And then, we taped. And taped. And painted. And Matt cleaned the brushes while I taped some more. About 2/3 of the kitchen is taped now, I'm kind of proud. We'll be doing more of the taping and painting this weekend, and we're hoping to finish by, oh, Wednesday? That's the bedroom and two bathrooms also. Lofty goal but not impossible. Also, I have to pick out paint colors again. After all the hullabaloo about the colors this round we decided that the paint colors for the two bathrooms and bedroom, which we didn't buy yesterday, needs to be from the available options. Because, well, we just couldn't take it again!

So, pictures--I am VERY pleased with how the colors turned out. VERY VERY. They look a little darker in the pictures, but it was waaaay late at night and I just didn't have the patience. And I'm glad we decided to paint that wall a brown color. It was going to be a green at first, but I think this is WAY better. We decided on a whim to paint that little wall dark brown too (the wall next to it is going to be lighter) and I think we're both quite pleased with that decision as well. YAY! :) It's already starting to feel more like a home.

OH AND I ALMOST FORGOT--Myrick just gave Kristin a gift card for $500. She called to verify the amount. And this, friends, is why I'm patient. It was a lot of hassle, but I think it was worth five hundred bucks. That's less than the original damaged fridge cost ($640ish) but that's okay--I'll take what I can get!


Jax said...

SO FUN!!! And I love the beer. Painting is indeed more fun with beer.. Just not vodka...I dont wanna know what your walls would look like with vodka. ;)

KaritaG said...

yay! I am glad you got the gift card. I would say that $140 difference is worth having the guy out of your hair!

Maria said...

Awesomeness, and I love the paint. Any chance you could help me? LOL! I'm determined to get Amari's room done this summer and then start moving around the house!

The Writer said...

Very impressive - I'm the taper in our family...


katandkarl said...

i hate hate hate taping. i make karl do that part. COLORS LOOK AWESOME. you are totally making it your own!

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