Thursday, May 08, 2008

my poor poor right arm.

so a few thanksgivings ago I went to the turley's home. it was my first thanksgiving in NC. my apartment had a teeny tiny kitchen, and while trying to remove the two pumpkin pies I'd made I accidentally touched the inside of my arm to the grate. It burned. Badly. There is an awful Justin story in this, and a later tale of Audrey's mom saying "I knew there was a problem with you guys then," but that is neither here nor there. Anyway, after five years, the scar is pretty much visible only to me, and that's only in the right light, and if I look really hard.

yesterday evening, after scouts, choir, a trip to forever 21 where I got a cute yellow sweater for 10 bucks and resisted the urge to buy a $16 dress, making returns at target and going to the grocery store, I came home, chopped up my strawberries while watching the dv-red desperate housewives and then proceeded to make strawberry jam. sugar + strawberries + lemon juice= yum!

so, made the jam, it took a while. sterilized the jars. filled 'em with the jelly. and then I turned them upside down, though I honestly can't tell you why. I remembered something about creating a vacuum (mmmmm physics!) and I had zero intention of processing them since the jelly was to be refrigerated and eaten immediately.

and then it happened. my very full jar--I turned it upside down, and POP! there went the lid. jelly is oozing everywhere. it has also splashed on my shirt, two of my fingers and my arm. my arm right. on. top. of. my. other. scar. what?!?

I cleaned up the mess, broke a bowl in the process and used more paper towels than I have used in the past month. there was strawberry jelly EVERYWHERE. I was SO embarrassed. And mad at myself "why did I turn the jars upside down?!?" I tried to preserve whatever was left (catch that pun, hm?) and when I went to clean off the lid to start over, suddenly I didn't feel so bad. The kind people who made the jars had given me an extra lid. Which was directly attached to the other--kind of like when you accidentally grab two paper plates and don't realize it.

hence my mini-disaster. and my owie. it isn't big, but it is a blister. I hope it doesn't scar, too. time for a meeting now. toodles.


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