Tuesday, April 08, 2008

determined not to be dented by a car or by a plane or anything not yet invented


what is it about mommy and daddy and baby animals that make them so sweet and adorable?!? I mean, even if they're GEESE. mean, nasty, smelly pooping geese?

they're still cute, I'm not gonna lie.

these guys live by our building, in a corner that's under an overhang, so they're relatively well protected from the elements and all. the daddy goose has been chillin out in the corded off area and sometimes sits in the loading parking spaces, watchin' the mama who is sitting on the eggs.

it's precious. at lunch I can look out the window and if I lean real real far over I can see the daddy goose doing his thing. aw.

I also took more pictures of the roses last friday. there was this one that was only partly unfolded/opened and it was funky and neat and had these amazingly placed leaves. I just picked a few of the images to show you. I like it though!!! matt is such a sweetheart. :)

and here are a few of my team on our youth group scavenger hunt. It was seriously SO MUCH FUN. Our team won. :) hence the burger king crowns. we had to build a human pyramid, all get in a phone booth, take a picture with someone in uniform, find people with shirts that were from schools not in NC and take our picture with them, take a picture on the things engineers travel on every day (train tracks--and I specified not the kind of engineers in RTP), play on a playground, have all our feet in the air, go to people's houses where we'd had events, go to the NC State belltower, etc. Yay!

I told my boss about the battery thing yesterday--I wanted to make sure writing to the Enviro-Prot-Agen wasn't a conflict of interest in some way. It isn't. AND he knows just who I should talk to, and will introduce me the next time we're over there! He also asked me if this was "The New Environmental Carrie." I explained that no, this Carrie has been around since third grade, but that it's kind of a snowball effect--the more you learn, the more you realize you CAN and SHOULD do something.

I went to dinner with Patty and Kara last night. I introduced them to my favorite sushi place, Akashi. The three of us had seven rolls, salmon and white fish nigiri, two big beers, a small beer and two miso soups for $50 plus tip. They give you the edamame free. I LOVE it. It was so wonderful to see Patty and talk about being parents and having babies and friends and life and what's important and anyway-VERY fun and VERY relaxing and I cannot wait to do it again.

Matt is out of town still. He gets back tomorrow, but I may not see him then or Thursday (and if I do it will be after 9) and then on Friday I do believe I'm going to Charlottesville and then DC. It kind of bums me out! I'm looking forward to this little stint of scheduling being over. It seems to clear a lot on the 21st!

And tonight Marla and I are going shopping and eating lettuce wraps at PFChangs. YUM! also, I will get to use some of my new baggu bags--my three I had just weren't enough! now I am up to six. I have fuschia, orange, peacock, lavender, mint and lime now. they are SO handy. my friend luke bought three as well, and we combined our order to save on shipping!

and those are the updates. I'm sure your green-machine-carrie will return tomorrow. :)


Anonymous said...

SO cute!! Love the photos!!! I have yet to upload photos like you do. I dont know why I cant do it.. Seriously.. lame. LOL! I am a big fan of the layout today.. the flowers..the people...the text. I like it. And I also want lettuce wraps. That is all.

Renee B. said...

i gotta tell you, i'm proud of my little christmas presents. :-)

i'm glad that you have a boss that is interested in what you say and knows people who make things happen!

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