Friday, November 02, 2007

why I am not allowed to have glow sticks

so, because it's friday, and because I've got to blog all quick like, you get the story. my mom HATES this though, so should you ever meet her/talk to her, you don't know anything, k? I'm taking your continued reading as your solemn promise not to remind my mom of this tale of woe.

and it's not that awesome of a story, so sorry in advance if you're disappointed.

and thanks for your continued support. er, um, whatever.

anyway. so I'm ten or eleven or something like that. My little brainiac self and my curious mind are running wild and I fancy myself a scientist (item one:the mind of a kid who loves science). I don't remember where, but Anna and I are given glow sticks--the long skinny kind you can make into bracelets and necklaces. We put a few of them in the freezer since they'll keep glowing for longer that way, and set to figuring out what's inside.

we cut off the end (item two:the scissors) of a few of them and check out this glowing liquid and realize it's actually more exciting inside the tube than it is out, plus we're a leeetle worried that it's going to stain something. so, we seal them back up (item three:the lighter)

we play with them for a while--wearing them, making long strings of lights, and the ones we "tested" are always on the end since they don't quite line up right. and then we decide to play "helicopter" in the kitchen, which happens to be where my mother is standing. we each hold on to the end of our respective lines-o'-glow and spin them above our heads.

well, the ends? not sealed so well. and the glow stuff? kinda flew into the air in little droplets. and my mom's eyeball (item four: mom's eyball) kinda caught some of the little droplets.

and then? then I was banished from having a glow stick ever, ever again. there has only been one other time since, and I didn't wear it, and adam couldn't tell my mom I even had it.

my mom went to the doctor immediately, and anna and I hung out with her until our stepdad got off of work and came to pick us up. I don't know all the details, but based on my mom's description:

-she was strapped to a table
-something resembling a small ugly metal hand was used to hold each of her eyes open (they treated both just incase)
-the drops were of various colors (I remember there were red, blue, yellow and green mentioned) and some of them stained her hair as she cried them out down the sides of her face
-the drops also caused various levels of stinging, pain, burning, itching and made her want to hold her eyes shut, which she was unable to do as she was strapped to a table and the ugly metal hands were holding her eyes open
-she cried until she had no more tears, and that's really unpleasant when you can't even shut your eyes

uh yeah, awful. like double awful with a side of awful sauce. hence my banishment from all sticks glow-ee.

sometimes I was an insolent child. or rude or hateful or mean or a know-it-all or snotty or bossy or difficult or picky. (and sometimes I'm told I was downright angelic, lest you think I was a complete hellian) but this? this is hands down, no contest, the worst thing I ever did to my mother. and she reminds me of it on occasion. and at twenty seven I'm still afraid she'll catch me with one and unleash her fury--which she has a surprisingly large amount of when she wants to--and if you've ever met my mother, you'd be surprised as well, as she is an easy-going, artsy, checker-pattern-loving, hair-down-past-her-butt, "far out" saying mystic/hippie.

anyhoo. there's the story.

oh and camping? maybe not. they put a burn ban into effect on the 25th, so camping without a campfire? not so awesome. especially since one of the girls has never been camping before, so that kind of ruins the whole experience.

we shall see. we shall see...but if we go? expect pictures. hell, expect them even if we don't go--we'll still hang out and have fun. :)


melissa said...

DUDE. that's hilarious. i mean, i'm sorry about your mom's eye, but funny regardless. daaaaang that's good. : )

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