Monday, November 26, 2007

i used to have a blog about dating.

a secret blog about dating. one that a few of you maybe knew about, but really only a handful of people even read it. its purpose was cathartic, you see. and it worked. and those of us who contributed to it enjoyed it very much, for the most part, though it came back to bite more than one of us in the ass.

but anyway, I don't have it anymore. if I did though, I might write about this there. but instead, you get to read. :)

so, last november, in richmond, I met a guy. one of the guys in my series of "k," if you were around for that tale. anyway, the following week he drove down and back from richmond to take me on a date--one that fell in the "good" category rather than the "bad." we spoke the next day for like ten minutes and it was a good convo, I had to go back to work, and then he never ever called me again. I deleted his number and have thought of him since exactly once, when Mary Alise and I recalled our fun night out in Richmond.

on thanksgiving I got a call from this same guy--and as his number was not in my phone, I didn't know what I was getting into when I answered. It was an area code I recognized, so I chose to pick it up is all. and yowza.

he had some very kind things to say about me and how I'm such a catch and how he was an idiot and how he thinks about me all the time and how he's sorry because he's a hypocrite--and I said thanks, but I made it very clear that I am very taken and very happy and very not interested, in the most polite way possible. I made a point of using words/terms like "boyfriend," "eight months," and "at his parents' house for thanksgiving."

I got the typical (and usually very annoying--in this case and pretty much all the rest of the time) "well, you never know how things will turn out" and then I at least got a genuine apology from him for his never having called me to at least say "I'm not interested." It was weird though, kinda like it was him trying to restore his karmic balance or something, which made me feel like I needed to at least hear him out. 'cause if I am ever in his shoes (in any kind of I-owe-you-an-apology situation), I hope the apology-ee will hear me out.


he said he wanted to call me back when I wasn't in the middle of the festivities, and I told him he could. and when we got off the phone I called Mary Alise and then told Matt all about it as soon as he was out of the shower.

but it was so weird. who even does that? and on thanksgiving itself? strange-ee mc-strangersons, methinks. he hasn't called back, and if he does I don't know if I'll answer. we'll see. but anyway, it was ODD. like, not divisible by two kind of odd, you know. yikes.

and though I'm reallyreally glad about how things are for me right now, and though things are quite excellent, I still kinda want to know why guys act like just blows my mind.

eh, whatever. just had to share.

ps--check out'm up to 28/40 right now.


a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

a) freaky date guy? what in the cat hair was that phone call about??


17. boo on holiday complainers who don't know how good they have it.


e--thanks for the honor of the link!

melissa said...

dude, that's ridiculous. what is it about being out of town for thanksgiving that makes boys think it's a good time to have a "serious" talk about anything involving relationships? i had a strange thanksgiving last year... kind of along the same lines...

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