Friday, November 09, 2007

i gave her my heart, she gave me a pen.

~ say anything

Matt and I watched Say Anything last night. The same Say Anything that Sterling and Christina mimicked, except I was still drying my hair so I didn't hear. It had been a looooong time.

I liked it though. And now In Your Eyes is stuck in my head. And Matt and I got a kick out of the part where they're having sex in the car--I can't remember what the line was, but we both looked at each other and started cracking up. And later, when he was leaving, I mimicked the awkward hug.

clearly, this is a very mimickable movie. clearly.

so, this kid is on my desk. It's so much fun. you can't see it all, but there's a cactus shaped pencil, a pinwheel, a sunflower pin, my hot little man, two pink elephants that tonya gave me for my birthday, my clippy with eyes and who knows what else. the thing that matters is that I like it. and that it's on my desk to cheer me up!

okay, well I'm about to leave now. I finished my work (well, most of it) and now I leave to go pack my things for the youth pilgrimage. It should be fun, but I'm sure I'll be more excited about it once we're actually in the vans. right now it's still kind of stressing me out. and I slept terrrrrribly, so I'm not looking forward to the sleeping-in-a-hotel part of this. but it should be fun. it should, it should.

I must admit though, I'm already looking forward to sunday...and then sushi on tuesday with will be my first sushi since the 26th, I had to take a sushi break!


Ariel and Chris said...

To know Lloyd Dobler is to love him. Diane Court is about to know Lloyd Dobler.

Corrie said...

I've saved two spiders and a cricket in the past week or so. I've done it in your honor! :)

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

john cusack? love him. "say anything"? one of my all time favorites! thanks for the time tumble. :)

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