Thursday, November 29, 2007

i am going to have a very expensive head.

now, some of you might argue that my noggin is already "expensive." I mean, I'm a chemical engineer, right? so it both cost a lot of money to educate this head and it costs a good bit of money to pay me to use it. although, my mom was pretty right when she told me that if I made straight a's all my life I'd get to go to school for free (thank you again, umpteen scholarship sources), so the latter is more accurate than the former.

but anyway.

so, I've a decision to make. one about me and my ever-more-costly head...

I had my CT done today, and it ain't pretty. Apparently there's some scar tissue that formed when he last reduced my middle turbinate on the left side, and it's attached to the outer wall of my nose. My septum has re-deviated, but he said if I weren't having symptoms it wouldn't concern him. My sinus cavities themselves are ginormous, like they should be, but there's still swelling and inflammation and gunk in them. He also never touched my sphenoidal sinus cavity, and saw inflammation in it, and I have a ledge in my forehead sinus that is restricting the flow too.

what does this mean?

it means I have three viable options:

1. allergy treatment (aka weekly shots). he's thinking this would reduce the inflammation.

2. an in-office procedure to detach that scar tissue that's formed. this would require only local anesthesia, and wouldn't require much recovery time. however, he gives it a 50/50 chance of my being able to tell a difference.

3. a full-on surgery. again. he'd fix everything, it would hurt more like a 5 or 6 if you count the last one as a 10, and I'd have to take 5ish days of vacation to recover. and it would cause me to max out my out-of-pocket on my insurance plan, meaning it wouldn't be cheap.

I told the nice lady to please hold the date of January 11th for me and that I'd let her know what I'm going to do for sure on Monday. And as much as I love having options, this time it might be easier if my doc just said "you know, you should really do this." he seems to hate having to tell me that these are my options, and that it didn't all get fixed the first time...


a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...


if you have "full on" surgery? will that fix it forever and ever? or not?

lot's of questions...full on is a big deal. BIG.

Anonymous said...

One word: Ew. Sorry, lady. :( I wont get on my soapbox about the cost of health care in America, but uh... I bet it just aint pretty.. At least it's something that can be remedied, though..

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