Friday, October 05, 2007

take my hand, come along, let's go out and have some fun

~steve miller

oh, friday, I am so glad you are here. especially because I am tired and if I have any say in it I'm going to cut out a little early and go home for a short siesta. I did not sleep well last night, y'see...

also: health update. my ultrasound came back "normal." the revised course of action is as follows: go get probiotics. take them. like, for a couple of weeks. if you don't feel better come back.

good news: me and my gall bladder still get to be tight.
bad news: explanation is slightly sketch/what-if oriented, but it'll do for now.

the present theory is as follows:
episode #1- caused by a viral illness. tummy started going back to normal post haste--hence the intermittent discomfort but no real problems for five weeks--I was just getting back on an even keel.
episode #2-caused by antibiotics. saturday I took the last of 'em. sunday I got sick. antibiotics prolly killed all the good bacteria-ee-things that were still on their way to normal levels from episode #1.

which explains the no-alarm-bells bloodwork, questionable-at-best thickening of the ileum from the icky cat scan, the looks-good xray and the recent normal ultrasound. so apparently the probiotics will just help my tummy get the right amount of stuff, and I should be peachy as a clam--er, um, happy with a side of keen?


so, also, I have discovered that I am still quite fragile and/or weepy. and tired. and stressed. please do not wake the bear. or mention death to me, unless you can't avoid it. I need some down time--

and I think this might count. look at all these beers!

I am super excited about going to this tomorrow with Matt, Kara and Sean. super-de-duper. I'd invite you to join us, but it's sold out. It should be fun AND yummy. We're going to the 12-4 session, which is a wonderful time since we can then have an evening in, we'll start wearing off any potential hangover early and since once it turns 12:01pm I won't feel bad about drinking already. :)

but so you know, the rest of the weekend eaaaaaaaaaaasy going, methinks. I have some cleaning to do and some things to accomplish, but all of it'll be done as simply and restfully as I can manage. that's the plan stan.

three more hours to go people. only three, only three, only three.


melissa said...

go home early for that nap. you deserve it. : )

katandkarl said...

i think today is steve miller's bday - age SIXTY FOUR.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you get to keep your gall bladder!

Probiotics work really well! I really like Activia Light's flavors -- peach is my fave. It really helped my tummy issues -- now I'm an Activia-evangelist. Maybe straight probiotics would get you feelin better sooner -- then yogurt for maintenance or something.
Have fun with the beer! :)

Adam said...

Have Matt chug a beer for me. I'd ask you to do it, but with your tummy being wonky I don't want to make it mad...

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