Saturday, June 02, 2007

here's to ka sounds and suck glasses

well done, ladies. they crack me up. i like girls nights. eff-you-en.

know what I don't like, though? this kid.

damn allergies. nobody nose the trouble I've seen. ha!

I keep trying to think of a cute way to carry around a box of kleenex--like by taking said box and securing ribbon around it and making a little purse-type-strap so it's mobile. a kleenex satchel. maybe I should use a baby bjorn for my kleenex. and thank goodness for aquaphor.

other fun things:
1. jackie got a job (hooray!)
2. I got my money back in poker (I didn't feel like fighting for it with kevin), yay for kim and stefan for hosting!
3. I'm almost done with my book.
4. guess makes a shoe called "carrie"--might have to watch for these to go on sale. but what color, eh? ps, I already have pink heels.
5. My new apartmentmate was approved by the complex. this means I won't have to move until at least october 2008. this makes carrie very happy.
6. y'all voted, thanks. ps? it means I'm right. :D
7. it's 11:11, and I just made a wish.

alright, time for my date now. it's with Mr. Bubble. hopefully it will make my nose feel alllllll better. only time will tell. also? anyone wanna write me a prescription? 'cause I'm totally taking my *expired* allergy meds 'cause my doctor didn't call a new prescription in on friday. they're working though, just not quite as potent. oh well.

night night.


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