Tuesday, May 08, 2007

eight eight I forget what eight was for

~violent femmes

so, cuteness. and weirdness. and stuff.

did you know:
you can buy practically anything with your sorority or fraternity name on it? like, really. a scooter, an ipod cover or a clock. seriously, check it here. (I couldn't find the kaydee versions of them all so I decided to be panhellenic...after all, I kinda gotta be...)

also, yesterday I learned a new phrase: jumping the shark. apparently it's weird that I didn't know it. I heard this phrase TWICE in like, oh, let's go with 18 hours. This phrase I'd never heard before. I like it. Consider it integrated.

oh and? Good for Claire Bennett: "The universe cannot possibly be that lame." I HEART HEROES. If you're not watching it I really really encourage you to check it out. This show RULES. go watch the eps PRONTO. you will not be disappointed. if you are? I will send you a cookie. okay? okay.

other things:
1. I hate having my hair wet. It makes me a little crazy. I actually made my date wait while I dried it (I missed his call, didn't get the message, my softball game went over and if I hadn't checked my phone again it's highly possible he would have knocked on the door while I was still in my underwear. which, all in all might not've been terrible for him, but still).
2. apparently I can float. Like, in softball. At second base. And my team thought it was rocktastic that I held my ground on my base despite the runner barreling towards me. this is nothing. recall: blood blisters on my left leg in the shape of the ball stitching and my time playing catcher during fast-pitch softball. goodness me.
3. i am nervous about tomorrow at 845pm. I'm having my picture taken for the church directory. and while, on one hand, this is awesome 'cause I've actually found a church I love and all, on the other hand? I'm having to be in that picture all by my lonesome, and that kind of freaks me out. I also don't know what to wear.
4. it is cute when a guy says "aw, shucks." and means it.
5. i love love love it when people like my photos. more specifically when people compliment them directly and go out of their way to tell me so. this pleases carrie greatly! what he actually said was "so, while you were drying your hair (see #1) I checked out your photos again and I've really gotta say, they are great. I really like them. I just looked at them all and I kept thinking, 'wow, I really like her photography.' I went around and looked at each of 'em--and then I saw one and I thought 'I don't really like this one as much as the others' and I felt kinda bad, but then I saw that it was taken by someone else! your pictures are exactly the type of photos I like to look at." this kinda made my day. anyone who's an artist prolly understands.

alright. one last thing: wedding crashers is a very hilarious and highly quotable movie. you should watch it. and? the rappin' granny is in there, and she's a kd! :)


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