Monday, April 02, 2007

hey, it's okay that I over-analyze too much.

that's why Mary Alise loves me. :)

yesterday was awesome. the weather was good, church was fun and I spent, oh, eightish hours painting pictures. for the first time since AUGUST. this one is my fave that I did--I did another like it that was smaller, and then wanted to do one bigger and with pink. and then I finished one that I'd been asked to paint forever ago. they are all up on my art blog.

I also watched umpteen episodes of the Gilmore Girls and talked on the phone for hours and hours and hours. So what if I gave up procrastination for Lent? It was Sunday, dangit!

my knee is feeling much better today, thank goodness. but my forearms? yeeeowch! guess I need to stretch 'em more after batting.

so anyway, last night I was talking to someone about tattoos, and he said he was thinking about getting another one. and there were three options--one on his side, one on his shoulder and one on the inside of his bottom lip. people actually do this. like, for reals. see? ick ick ick. no thank you, no thank you.

is it friday yet?!? le sigh.


SJ said...


...but you didn't sign it!

care said...

uh, actually, if you open the big one you can see it...

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