Friday, April 06, 2007

did the grass sing?

so, I'm a little ahead of myself. It's Good Friday today and I'm already thinking of Easter...but I blame choir for that...

anyhoo. I'm in the choir, right? and sometimes the lyrics of songs make me batty--I mean, what? convoluted sentences and expressions that literally make no sense if taken out of context.
last night we sang for the Maundy Thursday service. It was a combo MT/Good Friday service. And afterwards I practiced the Easter music.

we're singing this song called "Was It a Morning Like This?" and as I sat with another lady, Cindy, who helped me find my notes, I was hit.

the lyrics go "did the grass sing? did the earth rejoice to feel You again?"

now take a minute and think about that--the grass singing. the earth rejoicing. can you imagine?

know what? I'd kind of like to think it did. The grass straightened up, taller and prouder, reaching for the risen Christ. The flowers and fields of the earth shown brighter. The sky was bluer. The clouds whiter. The oceans stronger. Can't you just picture it? And even hear it? Wow.

all because Christ the Lord is Risen.

and on Sunday? Christ the Lord is Risen, indeed.

happy Easter, a little early!


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