Monday, April 09, 2007

bunnies, bowling and beer, oh my!

well, this might have been one of the most fun weekends I've had in a while. I mean, don't get me wrong, I try to have fun every weekend. but this one just might take the cake!

to begin with, the good friday tattoo. no, strike that, tattoos. after some half-price sushi and a trip to 9th street (where they didn't have time for me) we drove through some ghetto parts of durham to get to a different tattoo parlor--tattoo asylum. A very nice man, Jonas, did the tattooing, and I went ahead and got both. Pictures of them both are in the blog before this one.

here am I right after getting the tattoo--and look at the alice in wonderland tattoo on that magazine.

then? to the ale house!!! my, how I missed Michael. I need a good pick-on-Carrie session every now and then. so, here's the cuteness from the Ale House.

after getting home waaaaay too late and then getting up at 9am and taking a blissfully long nap, my guests arrived--a small group, but a super fun group to be sure! we had dee-lish food (thanks for bringing the ham, mary alise!), dyed eggs and hunted. and those eggs we hunted? yeah, they were a drinking game. Michael hid 'em all--including the "golden egg" (which was really silver since it was covered in aluminum foil, but whatever), and then referred to us as his bunnies--Bunny K, Bunny M and Bunny C.

Guess what he called himself? Yep, Hef. We drew the line at bowling in lingerie! And apparently we were quite amusing at the bowling alley--but I'm pretty sure that's 'cause of our bets. Mostly color-blind Michael and I made a bet about whether the green and teal dyes were labelled correctly--it was his idea, and he won. So when he got his first strike, I had to do this:

Yeah, go out on the lane, get down on my knees, and tell him he's the greatest person I've ever known. But later, when I won a game, Michael had to kiss my feet! In the icky bowling shoes!!!


Sunday was wonderful too. I made it to the sunrise service, had breakfast at church and then sang in the 830 and 1100 services. And Sunday school (which I hardly ever go to) was great, too! We performed rather poorly the first service, but the 1100 went very very well.

Here's a picture of the cross in front of my church--we placed flowers, a sign of life, onto it, a symbol of death. It was just beautiful.

And then I had lunch at the Sullivan's house. There were nineteen of us in all--including a bunch of eight year olds, and I spent most of my day hanging out with Challie, who is fourteen. I am so glad to know the Sullivans--they're great people. I sat with them for the Sunrise service, had breakfast with them and Lucinda and I are "choir buddies," so we spend a lot of time singing next to each other! Very very fun. Here's some pretty green stuff I saw on my way to their house! Oh, and I took some easter lily pics too, but haven't gone through 'em yet!

Last, but not least, I walked to the grocery store last night. And on my way home I was singing "was it a morning like this"--and I had NO IDEA that I had an audience. It was dark, and a lady was walking on the sidewalk across the street. It was great though--when she was about to her house she told me that she was really enjoying my singing and that I had a beautiful voice. Kinda made my day. :)

Now? I'm tired. I think I need a weekend to recover from my weekend!


The Writer said...

Wow! Sounds like you had a fantastic day - now what exactly were in the plastic eggs?

Loved the flowered Cross!

care said...

the eggs had candy in 'em, of course. and then also, some of 'em had little slips of paper that said "drink 1," "give 2," "michael drinks 2," etc. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go out on a limb and title the picture of your bowling shoes (ick) getting kissed:

"Sassy Carrie"

Anonymous said...

I completely forgot I had to use the cheat thing on bowling, and it still went into the gutter!!!

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