Thursday, February 22, 2007

sink or swim?

So, the more I read about them, the more credence I give to the meaning of dreams. Maybe this isn’t something done by all of the hoi polloi, but it’s done by me, and that’s what matters.

And my dream last night kind of makes me laugh. Because here I was, thinking I was over-thinking, when in fact, perhaps I'm not. odd, since I'm a chronic over-thinker.


I was at an outdoor pool, or maybe one in a very very big room. There were bleachers on my right, and in the distance I could see a house, which I assumed was a frat house. And somehow, I ended up feeling like I had to do what I was told. There was a guy there, about my age, standing on the side at the other end of the pool.

He told me my task: to dive into the pool, swim to the other side, spin myself around(like a human screwdriver) and burrow through the half of a tomato on the other end. This tomato, by the way? Yeah, bigger than a bean bag chair.

I protested—I was worried I wouldn’t be able to spin fast enough to get through, and even if I could, what about the skin? I mean, who wants to die underwater, inside of a half of a giant tomato, near a frat house? that’s what I thought…

Well, he told me to do it anyway. And I protested—and he said “fine, then, it’s your choice,” threw a nickel in the air and told me to call it—“heads!” I said. And it landed tails. Which I understood meant that I’d have to do this, and that there’d be another task as well.

I calmed myself down, got poised and ready, and dove into the water.


And then I woke up.

I guess I’m trying to get to the root of things—what I want, my problems, my thoughts. I’m trying to break through, to reach a place of happiness and harmony instead of anxiousness and unrest and maybe even discomfort/embarrassment. But I’m letting my rational, aggressive, competitive side call the shots—and taking things too casually, too lightly.

huh, how weird. I’m gonna have to mull over this some more—perhaps it isn’t about what I think it’s about. [which, by the way, just made me think of the princess bride and vizzini:inconceivable! inigo montoya: you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.--oh, how I love the princess bride. ]

anyway, check out—you never know what you might find out about yourself.


Turner said...

My interpretation, sans the website, is this:

You're worrying that something you're wanting to shoot for or the direction you are heading will be hard to accomplish. and when you get there, you don't know if it's going to be something that you're going to truly want to do any way (can you imagine the puns we could say had it been a giant lemon at the end of the pool?)

As far as the mystery dude there, I dunno wtf that's about.

care said...

apparently the mystery dude is the aggressive/competitive side o' me.

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