Tuesday, December 05, 2006

so,saturday and sunday and monday, oh my!

let me begin with: I am tired. and stupid. and a hardcore rockstar. and I like it. at least, I think I like it.

sterling's motto for the weekend was something about you aren't hardcore unless you live hardcore. so, um, yeah. and also? shudder.

also? I've decided that I know why rockstars who party like rockstars don't have day jobs. they have to sleep in.

running errands for elizabeth's birthday started our day. she had a champagne, candy, cupcakes (and carrie!) party. more about this later.

we took all sorts of pictures in the store. we knocked over this display of christmas light glasses, but like good okies (well really eliza's a texan who went to OU, but whatever) we picked up the mess we made.

found some funny hats (pic later, maybe, if sterling emails them to me), found some jesus bingo and "god rocks" tattoos to go with the dreidel wall decoration--eliza was going for "random"--

and were annoyed by these snowmen because this little boy kept activating all of them so they danced and sang like a cacophonous round.

then after going to a smart & final, which is kinda like a sam's but with a really weird name, we ventured to Chevy's for lunch. [and at this point in the show I'd like to thank Del for introducing me to Chevy's!] then there was the shopping. for shoes. and shirts. I couldn't find any cowboy boots though(I desperately want some). There were some funny posters tucked in the stairwell--ones like this.

I bought this supercool Alice shirt and one with batgirl, wonder woman and supergirl on it that says "anything boys can do girls can do better." I like it! And we saw the kodak theater, all the stars, the hollywood sign from a distance, etc.

and then, after dropping off christal and changing clothes, we went to something that I expected would be terribly boring. little did I know. we saw stan lee, joe quesada and kevin smith speak at ucla. and wowzers. so friggin cool! As soon as Sterling found out about it he asked if I'd go, and once I'd agreed (because I knew he'd enjoy it, not 'cause I wanted to go), he scored us tickets. I'm so glad we went! It was terribly terribly long and I almost fell asleep at one point, but that's when they were [their words, sorry] "blowing each other." There were a lot of f-bombs dropped and far FAR too many c*cksucker jokes. I mean, I can handle profanity, and hell I use it sometimes, but that was WAY too much. Of course, if Kevin Smith is there, you know what you're getting in to.

"those are not a caloric substitute!" --gosh we were hungry by 10pm, which is when the event finally let out. we started eating the certs from my purse. it was amusing.

two other good quotes were said as well.

"I wouldn't know a gamma ray if it stood up and said hello,"-Stan Lee, who had NO IDEA what a gamma ray was when he use that term.

and when Kevin Smith was auctioning off an X-Men poster, a person in the back said, "five hundred dollars?" Kevin Smith said, wait, who are you? A volunteer? You're a volunteer and you're bidding five hundred dollars? I mean, I have loot, and I'm not going to pay five hundred dollars for this." quite funny. Sterling does a great impression.

We then had dinner and a minor celebrity sighting. Neither of us know his name, but some day we'll figure it out. I'll keep you posted, don't you worry.

And, I got this guy. I've named him Reno, after the restaurant and its owner. He had four of these little bobble head guys near the register, and when I proceeded to make all of their heads bob, he asked me which I like the best. There was a cute cat, but the tiger won. And he said, "well, take it!" And insisted. So I did. He's on my desk now. [and I know, it's a blurry picture, but I'm sure I don't care]


Elizabeth turned 24 on Sunday, y'see. So at midnight we sang to her. Cute, no?

And well, as you all probably know, drunk people are messy. And someone spilled red velvet cupcake all over the floor. Everyone was talking about it and looking at it, but no one *did* anything about it. So of course I got some cleaner and paper towels and took care of it. This was chronicled for posterity, but not by my camera. And because of this, Elizabeth's mom likes me. :)

here we are with our raiders forks--again with the random.

I drank champagne the whole night, and kept a tally of how many I'd had, in true engineer fashion.

I had 12, by the way. And though those cups look small, that's A LOT of champagne. I sat and talked a lot, and I taught at least five people how to play a kazoo! No one knew!!! And here's Elizabeth and Austin sharing a drink...Austin got there really really late, so I guess he had some catching up to do.

Matt Morrow knighted me Party MVP for the cleaning maneuver, but I really think it is Matt who deserves a trophy. Some jerk was dee-runk [and later cornered me in the kitched and sterling had to rescue me by pretending that he needed to understand my camera] and kept telling people to punch him. He tried to pick a fight, and Matt got his attention, told him to calm down, and then was all, "know what I feel like doing? shots!!! lets have shots!" And the dude calmed down. He looks crazy though, huh? He kept making up stories about why he had that cast on. I think he was on something, but I have no idea what.

Oh, and at that party store we'd located some wonderful glasses, so I made sure my kazoo and my glasses matched, see?

This picture was taken at 630AM east coast time. I finally went to bed around, oh, 830AM east coast time. This would explain why my body clock is all jacked. At this point I've been in town for thirty eight hours and only slept for six of them. I think you can see where this is going...

more to come, shortly.


Anonymous said...

austin snow! i love that guy!

care said...

yeah, austin snow in cali! with a bunch of other okies. crazy crazy.

you'll see him in more pics, just you wait.

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