Monday, November 27, 2006

i'm not sure if it's the...

vitamin c
or more vitamin c
or the lack of sleep
or the change of time zones
or the red rose tea
or the nap I had to take this afternoon because I couldn't sleep on the plane from portland to chicago 'cause this annoying girl next to me smacked her gum for FOUR hours...

but I have NO IDEA what time it is. 
which makes it hard to go to bed at a "reasonable" time.  because now, clearly, isn't a "reasonable" time.  but I'm up, and there's no rest for the weary, presently. 

more about my oregon trip when my brain isn't so fuzzy.


Anonymous said...

Blog!!! I want to hear more!!! I have a case of the Monday/Holiday want-to-go-home. :) Need bloggerific Carrie! :)

Turner said...

Awww - let the girl sleep/rest if she needs it! I'm totally willing to sit back and wait for her to recharge if need-be so I can read another fantastic blog.

Course, if I'm gonna wait, this blog better be better than good, better than great - it needs to kick ass.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE tell me you took some rocktastic photos of the waterfall(s)!!! I will SOO buy one, woman!!! Oh, Im getting all excited and I dont even know if any exist. Sheez.. I loved your talk about the dude on the plane!! Excited for more...

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