Wednesday, November 22, 2006

look me in the eye and tell me you don't find me attractive. look me in the heart and tell me, you won't go.

How incredible. How incredibly incredible.

I went to an interfaith service last night, and it was phenomenal to see such a variety of people worshipping God together. Methodists and Baptists and Jews and Catholics and who knows who else. It was just so RIGHT.

And the part I liked best was the message. (well and the spectacular choir, but that’s not the point) It was about how skewed our society is—the what’s mine is mine, I’ve earned it, I always need more kind of mentality we’ve adopted. The “secular holiday” that Christmas has become…

And wow.
Just wow.

The man who spoke suggested two ideas I’d never really heard before—at least not like that…

1. it’s not about giving part of your earnings back to God. It’s about how much of what God has given you are you going to keep? Nothing in this world is *yours.* You don’t see U-Hauls trailing behind hearses. Be just as generous as God has been generous to you.

2. this year, at Thanksgiving, just say thanks. Don’t list the gifts or privileges or relationships you’ve been given, for in doing so you really might miss the point. I mean, you know you're thankful for them and you can tell people you're thankful, but everything, everything, is a gift. Because it’s not about what physical things you have or get, it’s about being provided for.--Just be thankful. For everything.

So in that spirit, I give thanks.

on to the less-*deep* blogging.

Katie Ward has given me a new addiction. It’s this stuff.

With some milk and sugar/splenda it’s deelish. And nice and warm on this blisteringly windy and miserably rainy days. Speaking of which, I’m tres annoyed because my umbrella practically snapped in two this morning, and my hair is a mess. Normally, I couldn’t care less how I look at work…but I have a lunch date today, and now I look like something that cat dragged in. Fortunately, he’s only seen me in a Halloween costume and at G-Love, where I wore not-super-cute clothes on purpose. So, hopefully, this is still “nicer” looking, even with the I’ve-been-playing-in-the-rain thing going on.

I had a funky dream last night. I always have the funky ones.

There were two me’s in the dream. A corpse and the me through whose eyes I was looking. I placed a small sunflower on each eye or corpse-me, center down, and then poured water on my eyes.

And I think I understand why I had it. A part of me is dead, it is no more, and though I am hurt, I will persevere. I am learning, and healing and understanding. And rejuvenating. And the sunflower is the coolest part of it all, I think.

And you know how sometimes a song really speaks to you? Well, as I’ve mentioned, I’ve been listening to the Grey’s Anatomy soundtracks like they’re going out of style. And my fave-o-the-day is Tegan & Sara’s Where Does The Good Go. Because it says “look me in the eye.” Chew on that one, k? ;)

I think I’ll have to abandon trying to go through the rest of national-blog-posting-month. I was trying, but I kinda doubt I’ll have computer time in Portland. I’ve posted every day since I found out about it...

where does the good go? where does the good go?


Turner said...

Well, I could tell you those two things except... I'm 1,200 miles away and it probably wouldnt be as cool to hear via an email ;)

LO said...

i'm so in love with the G's Anatomy Soundtrack right now, too! I got it for my birthday and i've listened to it, oh, about 73 bazillion times since's oh, so good!

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