Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I forgot to tell y'all the line o' the night for last Saturday evening. So, we're at Otto's Aunt and Uncle's place (which was new, ginormous and beautiful) and I'm upstairs with Barbie (the wife of Otto's cousin Cameron--Barbie is my age) and Cameron's brother Chris. I've asked about a painting on a table in their living room--one sitting between a picture of Cameron and a picture of Chris. I've been told it's a very realistic looking painting of a girl named Jessica, and she's Otto's Aunt's god-daughter. And in it she's holding a wine glass and a gun.

So, I say, "why is she holding a wine glass and a gun? what an odd combination."
Barbie says something about how you never know, I'm halfway there, since I'm already holding a martini glass.
And Chris says "I've got a gun you can hold" in the tone of voice that adequately conveyed to which type of gun he was referring.

Yikes. Barbie and I stared at him, then laughed, then promptly teetered downstairs in our heels with our cosmos.
Contrary to Sex and the City, heels+full martini glasses do not equal sexy. They equal almost spilling your drink down the beautiful wood stairs of a beautiful new house.

I'm relieved to know that I have much, much longer to apply for grad school than I though. Much. I was freaking out a little--but it turns out that I read the "international student" date, not the"I'm a US Citizen" date. Sigh of relief. Now back GRE studying, school picking and degree investigation.

this? this? this?

so many choices, so many cities, so little guidance. yeesh.


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