Wednesday, November 09, 2005

lies, all lies.

my new job will not pay for my grad school next semester. It's $612 stinkin' dollars. $612 is a big deal to me, but I highly doubt it's a big deal to at 2300 employee company who offers this as a benefit. In any case I'd be buying the book on my own, and I'd even be paying up front. but it's not in the budget. even though they made it very clear in the beginning that this was something they did, and did regularly.

oh, yeah, and our budget's still in the process of being approved.

also, my boss "had no idea" that I was going to ask to be reimbursed.

Please tell me--if you had a job, one that put "masters preferable" on the job description, and who would pay for your tuition WITHOUT requiring a certain time of service from you in return, wouldn't you take it? Can you think of someone who wouldn't?


I. Am. Fed. Up.


and I want to be able to eat chocolate again so I can have some chocolate milk.


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