Tuesday, September 20, 2005

wait, what?!?

okay, so things have come full circle a little. what a weird WEIRD weird day.

I came home late from work today and cried in my car because my mother was relaying to me all of the awful things my grandmother said about me. She is looking forward to badgeri--I mean getting to know--Otto. Yeesh. She went on about how I've "changed" and how "different I am" and how she can't understand why I didn't come to her when the shit hitteth the fan-eth with my ex. Of course, this is all coming from the woman who think that I left him because all he wanted me for is sex. Which is just about as wrong as it could possibly be. I'd rather not venture any farther into TMI, so just take my word for it. Because that's ab-so-tute-ly wrong.

Anyhoo. So then I'm all upset, and I tell Otto about it, and he reminds me that I really have two viable options. Confront her or let it go and keep letting it go if she's gonna be like this. So, I'm going to try confronting her, and if she doesn't own up to what she's been saying then I'm going to attribute it to her dementia and have a nice day. Mean?, maybe. But how else does one cope.

And then later in the evening--the kicker. Justin IMs me because we're working on some of the legal part of all this still and to tell me that I got a letter from TU. I have him open it and he scans it to send to me. We chit chat for a few, and he asks me if he can ask me a question. He wants to know if, since I know him better than most anyone, I would please answer a question for him. He said he's always thought of himself as a good listener and confidant, and for some reason the girl he's dating doesnt feel that he is approachable about her problems because she gets the feeling that he just doesn't care when in essence he really does. I talked to him about it for a few, and then went back to doing my thermo. It was weird for him to ask though, I think. I mean, I'm glad that he's moved on, and I really am okay with him asking, but it kind of makes me feel a bit odd. He's also finally ready to talk about why I left him. Yes, that's right, it's nearly eleven months later and he's finally ready. Whatever. I'm not sure whether or not I should talk to him. Opinions, anyone? Part of me feels like I owe it to him. But part feels like saying good riddance to bad rubbish.
And I wanted to share some more pictures. I'm calling it thermodynamic sunset. After I took my rather-reasonable-but-a-bit obscure test I took the picture (while driving) and then painted it(after a few post-test beers). I touched it up a tinge after I took this, but it's close, and I like it like this too. It looks better in person, but you get the idea. Yahoo.

So, I'll be in Oklahoma in less than forty eight hours. Wilco, sushi, grandparents(oh dear), TU, homecoming, family, Hobby Lobby, blue bell icecream, kaydees, etc. here I come!!! I'm so excited! And I'm thrilled that everyone's going to meet Otto. Now, if only Renee (who, PS, won fabulous points yesterday for being uber understanding) could meet him then that would be swell.


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